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Senaste recensioner av Vulturecorpse

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66.0 timmar totalt (49.5 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
If you enjoy simulator games such as the Isle and often find yourself joining "realism servers". You will not find a better game than Wolf Quest Anniversary edition, well except for Wolf Quest Saga later this year of course.

Based on the real Yellowstone wolves and featuring real wolves and packs from Yellowstone, the WQ team has always strived for realism and education. I have loved this game ever since classic on windows 95, but it just keeps getting better.
While many other simulator games feature emotes, WQ takes it to a whole other level. The emotes MATTER, the sounds you make MATTER and are used to directly interact with NPCs and the world around you. Even character creation is made with realism in mind and still gives you so many options to create diverse wolves.

Knowing Saga is coming up I truly do not have anything I'm missing at the moment, I follow the devblogs closely and boy are big things coming. Finally, us older fans will be able to raise our pups!

On top of it all, the graphics are gorgeous!! If your computer can handle it, then this is the full realism simulator game you always dreamed of.

I have so much love for the dev team sticking to their core goal of a realistic educational wolf simulator game, even though many young fans are begging for things like blue eyes. Many gamedevs would've given in for the sake of money, but the ability to stay loyal to their concept makes this game truly like no other.

Think all realism is too boring or difficult? There's still tons of little details and Easter eggs (especially in the lost river DLC) not to mention good old floppy. This game has so much to offer, it's all the "unimportant" details that makes this game like no other.
Upplagd 14 juli.
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154.8 timmar totalt (95.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
95 hours into this game and I'm barely halfway through. Yet I am still already excited to do at least two more playthroughs which I have already planned out in detail. I am someone who enjoys doing as much as possible in a game like this, but I still know my next two playthroughs will be a very different experience, and that is why I completely understand why people said this has set a new standard for games, the last game I felt that way about was RDR2 and now we have this. I am more than excited to see how game developers will attempt to progress past this and compete with a game of this quality. Yes there are bugs at times but it has not impacted my experience in a big enough way. My ONLY complaint would be the graphics, I'd expect higher quality from a game like this on full ultra with a computer like mine, but the
dragons, not in the intro but later on by the mountain pass bridge in ACT 1 look like the model is straight from an old Playstation game but with nicer texture. I'd like to see this game but with the graphics of monster hunter world. I wholeheartedly hope this game will continue to receive updates in the future, because it may take some time before we get another game to make competitors complain about the new standard they have set.
Upplagd 29 januari.
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156.6 timmar totalt (34.8 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Big mommas
Upplagd 13 juni 2021. Senast ändrad 11 september 2021.
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7.0 timmar totalt
Oh my god. I really can not recommend this game enough.

Do take your chance and buy while it's on sale!

I was scared of buying this for so long due to reviews giving it crap for being "just a point and click game" and how you have no real influence on the ending/your choices don't matter.

While your choices don't matter for the ending specifically, they do matter. I recommend playing the game until you've seen it all, just for the fun of it. And don't forget to always pay attention to every little detail.

As someone from Sweden, I really appreciate all the little details in this game. You can tell this game is made by Swedes. It's also clear where in Sweden this is. Even the zoo seems inspired by Skansen Djurpark, and I LOVE it.

If you enjoy lore, this is the game for you! One playthrough takes about 4 hours, and while it's an easy click to play game, that definitely does not take away from the quality or make the game less fun.

It's not often that I gasp out loud at 2 am when playing a game. This game is very much gasp-worthy.

And if you're not playing for the story, play for the art. The art style is beautiful. There are so many great details in the background that really adds to the world. I had such a fun time getting all achievements, and I'm excited to play this game many more times.

My recommendation:
Make sure to play this game late at night in a dark room. If you have any led lights or a legend of Zelda potion nightlight as I do, that's also great. You're going to want a cozy blanket wrapped around you and some yummy snacks. This is a story game. Make sure to enjoy it as one.
Upplagd 30 december 2020.
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211.9 timmar totalt (8.0 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
So far I really haven't found anything that bugs me about this game.
This is a game I've followed since it was first announced and it's very clear that the people behind Planet Zoo truly put a lot of love into this game.

My absolute favourite thing about this game is the amount of customization you can do. I haven't even seen this level of customizability in any of the Sims games, it's ridiculous. When I say your imagination is the limit here, I truly mean it. I do own plenty of DLC, and ohhh boy is it worth it. All the DLC comes with plenty of new items to build with along with a handful of lovely animals.

Yes there are some animals I wish was in game that aren't. But I have been playing for a long time and still haven't gotten a chance to use half the animals available. 

This is truly a game where you can build your zoo however you want to, and I mean it.


It can be extremely difficult to start up a new zoo without losing all your money if you're new. Try to look up some guides on starter zoos first :)
Upplagd 12 mars 2020. Senast ändrad 28 november 2020.
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11.4 timmar totalt (9.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
It's really fun for a one time playthrough, and it's fun to discover the different endings.
It's a cheap game and you get what you paid for, I don't regret my purchase at all.
Upplagd 12 mars 2020.
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