bluetooth connected
Bill   Tasmania, Australia
Today is the shadow of tomorrow
Today is the present future of yesterday
The light of the past is the light which was
The wisdom of the past is the light of the past
The light of the future is the light which is to be
The wisdom of the future is the light of the future see
The wisdom of the past is the light of the past
The light which is to be the wisdom of the future
The light of the future casts the shadows of tomorrow
:4: :2: :odrown:

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cblp S> KATO14 7 września 2020 o 1:14 
+rep great person, it is very pleasant to deal with people who know what they want
Undercover Neet 21 lutego 2020 o 20:28 
+rep this man is abusive and sold my mother into slavery do not trust him
hollowpoint 8 sierpnia 2015 o 18:06 
+rep quick trader
sundaybc 17 lutego 2015 o 20:01 
Ummm + more rep
SoCloseee 11 lutego 2015 o 18:41 
MORE +rep
SoCloseee 11 lutego 2015 o 18:34 
<3 <3 <3 <3 ILY <3 <3 <3 <3