Sebastian Vettel
Nix Olympica   Pensacola, Florida, United States
President of space.

Achievements -- Mariner 9


| Noctis Labyrinthus
| Olympus Mons
| Valles Marineris
| Eos Chasma
| Tithonium
| Candor
| Chryse Planitia

Dead inside.

*Always in pursuit of that perfect fluidity, the essence of all that flows.
It may seem like just a small nuance to you, but there is reason
It happened because someone made it happen, it had drive
The finest movement, second nature or not it was real

✴ Focus on Inertia and control it ✴


Rep Thread if interested:

Přehlídka obrázků
5 1
City Neon Light
Soak me in the city light,
let me be drenched in life
that could only be so vital
when fueled by a never-ending day.
Each bulb has a story,
of who walked beneath
and what transpired all those shining nights.
Let me add one more tale
to be written in neon light.

Oblíbená skupina
House Of Climb - Veřejná skupina
Welcome to
8 679
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0,4 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 2. úno.
4 315 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 31. led.
0 hodin celkem
Naposledy hráno 9. pro. 2023
George Brussell 2. kvě. 2023 v 8.14 
-rep, this kid plays like dog water
KrillaBoo 4. dub. 2023 v 11.56 
+rep Based Florida Man :theswords:
George Brussell 31. bře. 2023 v 13.00 
└📂Counter-Strike Global Offensive
└⚠️This folder is empty
1960s toaster 4. říj. 2021 v 20.52 
Call 1-800- Big- Chungus today :steamhappy:
Zutix 2. čvn. 2021 v 11.39 
skizlits 19. lis. 2020 v 17.01 
+rep thx for the good game :shelterfrog: