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Análises recentes de Prof. Dystopia

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Just no, play something better.

No really, go play something better.

The mechanics in this game are a complete mess, skill? yeah right just walk up to people and don't stop swinging that's how you win the fight. blocking is actually useless, shield bashing sometimes lands emphasis on sometimes, and your abilities just don't want to go off sometimes.

Honestly i love the style, it actually looks really cool but when you are in the game and playing it's unbelievably irritating. There is just TOO MUCH GOING ON, honestly there's WAY more going on in one single match than any other game I have ever played. More than battlefield, more than Deep rock galactic, MORE THAN A BULLET HELL GAME.

You want to play the game? sure go ahead, be my guest, pick either hammer guy and only charge attack enemies because its an insta-kill, or go shield guy and charge at everyone because your shield blocks for you even when you aren't blocking. That's it, that is how you win, you're welcome. Oh yeah and always pick the horse hero because that one is by far the best one compared to the other 3.

Seriously, there are thousands of other games that are way better to play and learn that this glitchy mess of ADHD Inducing garbage, the servers are not great either, they sometimes work but most of the time your swings and your enemy swing will just go straight through each other and there's nothing you can do about it.

So take note of the mixed reviews, be AWARE THIS IS NEXXON MAKING THIS AND THEY ABANDON GAMES, and just don't spend your time playing this at all. Go shoo, play something that's actually refined and fun to play, go on now.
Publicada em 27 de setembro de 2023. Última edição em 27 de setembro de 2023.
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Um desenvolvedor respondeu em 29/set./2023 às 19:47 (ver resposta)
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I cannot recommend this game in its current state.

Now hear me out, it's fun, it as charm, it as fun game play and combat... but it's so heavily reliant on RNG compared to other rogue likes.
What do I mean by this? Well you are having a decent run with decent weapons but you get screwed over by the fact that you are unable to heal consistently, now some people may take this as a sign of GIT GUD and i agree sometimes you just need to get a bit better to do anything... BUT the healing mechanics are just garbage it's all RNG, you start with 0 healing meaning every mistake is permanent, all healing is RNG to drop from enemies or if you manage to get a nice curse with healing (which is not common at all), you have the grey health bar mechanic which means the more damage you take the more permanent your health stays low since the only way to heal your health bar properly is coffee and yellow orbs which ill state again is heavily reliant on RNG. You can be as much of a bomb ass ♥♥♥♥♥ dodging all the attacks but since this game is early release, its prone to bugs and glitches and there a few that make it to where you get hit for absolutely free. Projectiles going through walls, enemies animations instantly playing making the attacks go out in 0 frames, and my personal gripe and I don't know if other people have experienced this but enemies attacks immediately changing their angle and side it goes with no down time.

So i'm personally going to give the Developers some time to iron a lot of this stuff out because i don't play roguelikes to try hard and get no hit runs, I make mistakes and I understand that. But with how some of these healing mechanics are and how inconsistent a lot of this game is, and ill state it one last time HEAVY RNG, I just can't recommend you get it at its current state.
Publicada em 26 de março de 2022.
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62.0 horas registradas (58.1 horas no momento da análise)
Ever since the Neo Tokyo update this game as become basicaly unplayable.
The Rank system doesnt work at all, smurfs can still play in low ranks.
I was actually excited for the update when it was announced too, what a shame.
I Uninstalled the game its not worth it anymore.

Playing in a private match with friends is still good tho.
Publicada em 7 de julho de 2016. Última edição em 7 de julho de 2016.
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