Czech Republic
:penguinsrock:Playing exclusively on Linux:penguinsrock:
Living in Protektorat Böhmen und Mähren (formerly Czech Republic), Union of European Socialist Republics.
I don't accept random friend requests.
Currently Offline
Recent Activity
13.8 hrs on record
last played on Dec 9
172 hrs on record
last played on Dec 8
0.7 hrs on record
last played on Dec 8
Gendor Skraivok Jun 7, 2022 @ 7:43am 
Remember today! Because you rose to the top! ;) Three cheers!
Gendor Skraivok May 30, 2022 @ 6:57am 
My tip for getting the 20 lives achivement is cheesing it, (If you get the Items from Jars you could cheese the game by crashing all the jars, going back to main menu and starting over again), and/or really focus on one class to be good with it. (I recommend the Healer, the Decoy, or the Sniper but it's all up to taste)
And I did use to face someone much better than even me, so I hope to see the game continue being competetive and friendly!
Gendor Skraivok May 29, 2022 @ 3:11am 
Great job on Immortal Redneck! Best of luck in the future!
SexyPanther Dec 13, 2021 @ 11:18am 
Happy holidays to you as well. :steamhappy:
Domojaxx Jan 1, 2021 @ 11:19pm 
Be healthy, and filled with hope, 2021 has arrived all across the globe!
👅 Emilia 🧖🏼 May 12, 2020 @ 10:04am 
Leela: 🎽 "Well, 🌸 it's 🎄 a 📀 type 🐠 M 👽 planet, 🍇 so 🐝 it 👾 should 🌋 at 🎁 least 💚 have 👔 Roddenberries."