Markus   Germany
Project Reality [realitymod.com]
Squad [joinsquad.com]
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[R-MOD]Spec 1. Dez. 2014 um 15:31 
In case anyone has the same question in the future: It's very hard to get a copy of Battlefield 2 unless second hand. All primary sources have taken it off line, including Steam and EA's own service. I'd go for a DVD copy via Amazon, I'll not suggest illegal practices but I advise to use caution and not pay too much, as the key may be banned in a second hand copy.
Deafheaven 30. Nov. 2014 um 17:44 
Hey spec, i was told that you knew alot about PR, im just wondering how or where i can purchase Battlefield 2 complete digital copy as steam no longer lets you buy it and neither does origin.
Instigator 14. Jan. 2014 um 11:40 
Hey Spec. We used to play Swat 4 together a long time ago.