Alex Pheysey   Greater London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Не надано жодної інформації.
The World Famous Pub Quiz
What is it?

We run the world's biggest pub quiz during insomnia gaming festival LAN party events. Featuring memes, weird stuff we make ourselves, drinking, fail videos, singing to anthems, and more!

Where can I find out more?

Please visit the World Famous Pub Quiz website [] for more info!

:steamhappy: Trivia. Charity. Nonsense. Singing. Are you drinking yet? :steamhappy:

Why do you put yourself through this?

For charity of course! Special Effect, the gamer's charity [], help people with physical disabilities to play video games. If you're reading this I'm sure gaming is something you take for granted and couldn't do without, so if you can spare some cash, please donate today!
Вітрина найрідкісніших досягнень
Вітрина перфекціоніста
Ідеальні ігри
1 310
Досягнення в ідеальних іграх
Улюблена група
Achievement Stats - Відкрита група
Achievement Stats
7 067
У грі
1 725
У мережі
У чаті
Tsung 12 лип. 2012 о 23:34 
Nice Profile :P