Ciampichini Mauro "Evoluti0N" Luca   Italy
22 Years old Player , Birthday: 11/04/2001
Twitch [www.twitch.tv]

-Rip CS:GO


• Playing for
• Faceti LvL: 10
Launch Options: -console -tickrate 128 -freq 165 -refresh 165 -novid -high -language english -allow_third_party_software

*Orange Cup:CS:GO Madrid Games Week 2018 - 7-8th Place. (3500€ prizepool) as #LanHeros

*Levelup 2v2 cup 4th place (1000 euro prizepool) as Hydrake

*1st Summer Geek Festival #Crevettes (xReal, vARKA, Freelance, Evoluti0N, DaMs)

*1st Elite Valencia 2v2 #x9tence (Evoluti0N,J4cky)


*Dreamhack Weekly 2v2- 1st (50 euro prizepool)

*Cevo Free- 3rd Place and qualified for Cevo Intermediate as @PotentEmpire

*Cevo Intermediate as @PotentEmpire "http://cevo.com/event/gfinity-csgo/roster/1402274/"

*Qualifier Gamergy Espana- 1st (couldnt go lan)

*Qualifier OrangeCup MadridGames Week- 3rd Place

*The one 1v1 "Challengermode"- 1st (20 euro prizepool)

*All or Nothing 2.0 #76 "Challengeme"- 1st (AWP | Pink DDPAT (MW))

*ESEA Open Playoff (3-1) - Mix (Evoluti0N, Boom , Varka, Fl0, Ex3rcice)

*CS:GO Predator League Qualifier Sweden - 1st (300 euro prizepool)

*ESEA Intermediate (7-9) - Risen Warriors (Evoluti0N, NekoZ , ancient , PersonA , Shiba)


Esea [play.esea.net]

Faceit [www.faceit.com]

Currently Offline
Trittu⚡ Jan 3, 2021 @ 12:28pm 
Signed by Trittus!
Aidini Apr 30, 2020 @ 3:08pm 
MUA :*
Signed by Aida :lovepoop:
ANNA JULIA 차해 Apr 30, 2020 @ 1:46am 
petit Luca :tr_neko_slavya:
Stonques Feb 10, 2020 @ 2:24pm 
This has been a test of the emergency warning system ⚠BRUH⚠...⚠BRUH⚠...⚠BRUH⚠...

The 👮 Department of 🏠 Homeland 🗽 Security 🚔 has issued a 🅱ruh Moment ⚠ warning 🚧 for the following districts: Ligma, Sugma, 🅱ofa, and Sugondese.

Numerous instances of 🅱ruh moments 🅱eing triggered by 👀 cringe😬 normies 🚽 have ⏰ recently 🕑 occurred across the 🌎 continental 🇺🇸United States🇺🇸. These individuals are 🅱elieved to 🅱e highly 🔫 dangerous 🔪 and should 🚫 not ❌ 🅱e approached. Citizens are instructed to remain inside and 🔒lock their 🚪doors.
Jun Misugi May 15, 2018 @ 12:40pm 
guarda esta firma que dentro de 25 años valdrá millones. Luca Peperonni <3
esox Apr 7, 2018 @ 8:20am 
friendly player ! :)