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Realizări personale

Welcome home, Sir

Richard met Simon.

Enjoy This Sunny Day

Adam brought John to the hospital.

Depressive Weekend

You finished the first chapter.

Sigmund Would Be Proud

Adam woke up from his dream.

The System Strikes Back

Richard survived the Doomsday raid.

Face to Face

Richard and Adam made contact.

The Nanny

Adam was introduced to Sally.

This is Insane

Lydia found a new home.

Sea Anemone

Adam made his decision to stay.

All Ties Cut

You finished the 4th chapter.

A New Mankind

Richard listened to Kurtz' speech.


Richard and Lydia went underground.

No Place Like Home

Richard convinced John to come home.

Wizard of Oz

John reached the big hall inside the Dome.

Roll credits

Congratulations. You finished the game.

19 realizări ascunse rămase

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