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Shrine 5 janv. à 11h11 
do you wanna play unturned????????? LMK
Lukeswarm 27 janv. 2022 à 8h36 
Hi Lewis
i miss u
ari :3 25 nov. 2019 à 18h38 
Edit: thanks for the gold kinda stranger I didn’t expect this post to blow up! My life started growing up in a small farm in northern Kansas. My father was a farmer and my mother was a cashier in our local town down the dirt road. We didn’t have much and income was very little, my best toy I got growing up was a pig bladder blown up like a balloon that I could play around with between me and my two brothers. At the age of 11 things started getting tougher in my house life due to my fathers drinking problem as it was not a good harvest that year. Like his father before him once he was done working he would come home and drink but unlike his father he wouldn’t beat us unless we messed up, his father left him and his mother to fend for themselves after world war 2 though so he had it tougher than me growing up. One time my father did drink too much and he hit my little brother Jamey.