지난 2주의 플레이 시간:

전체 도전 과제 통계 보기
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12 중 0 (0%) 개의 도전과제 완료:
개인 도전 과제

Bothersome guest

Defeat the Butler Orlando.

Little guest

Enter the entourage HQ.

Goodbye little guest

Complete the game.

You call this a challenge?

Complete game on hard difficulty.

Young Cartographer

Find a secret constellation.

Master Cartographer

Find all the secret constellations.

The first memory

Collect 1 secret souvenir.

Memory Collector

Collect 5 secret souvenirs.

Bag lady

Complete the game with all 12 secret souvenirs.

Junior Explorer

Find 10 secret areas.

Senior Explorer

Find 30 secret areas.

Master Explorer

Find 60 secret areas.