Nagy   Ontario, Canada
I have like, 20 pictures uploaded on facebook but over 1000 on Steam.
This is where I live. Welcome to my world.

:Yorksmokes: :blackcoffee: Because the Boss knows that what the boss says goes, if the boss' suffered losses then thats what the boss chose! :yorksmokes: :blackcoffee:

Message me! I'm almost always down to play or chat!

:sinnersandwich: :fs15milk:

'Something provolked the whole globe to lower expectiations, damn, whats wrong with my generation?
We were the creme of the crop, but it seems we've been robbed, thats what happens when you trade in all your dreams for a job..'

30 in the mag, many mo in the bag!
'Don't fight the power! Shoot da ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥!'
Artwork Showcase
Favorite Guide
Created by - NagsterTheGangster
4 ratings
This is a simple, IN DEPTH guide: with photo's detailing every little step on how to get Reshade working with Back4Blood. IF YOU HAVE A LAPTOP THIS MIGHT NOT WORK! (Lag and other issues have been known for a while with Reshade and Laptops) Don't skip any s
Screenshot Showcase
When he's near by, man; it's much better.
Screenshot Showcase
potato chips Dec 9, 2024 @ 2:28pm 
ItzrevivetimeTTV Oct 29, 2021 @ 1:34am 