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Recente recensies door Sammy Hammy

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0.7 uur in totaal
A special kind of game. Ambitious but the message is practical. secret word is powerful
Geplaatst 25 februari 2021.
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4.6 uur in totaal
Another great addition to the room franchise.
Geplaatst 21 februari 2021.
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0.8 uur in totaal (0.3 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Secret word is Angel. Spooky game that doesn't show or doesn't tell much but the effect is undeniable.
Geplaatst 31 januari 2021.
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75.6 uur in totaal (71.6 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Good game with a lot of great heist missions that are filled with amazing set pieces, But holy gonks it's hella buggy. Restart the game or load an older save then load the newer save helps.

PSA: if you're underclocking your GPU, the game might crash during loading. Turn off afterburner then turn it on again when you finish loading your save.

Summary: a lot of bugs + great heist missions + good rpg gameplay and variety. Wait for more patches though.
Geplaatst 25 december 2020.
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6.6 uur in totaal
It was new year's eve and I was away from family. Don't know why I decided to try this game. Finished in one go. I had this feeling before. It's the void. Same one I had after Clannad After Story. Eternal Senia gave me satisfying closure though.

I just got something in my eyes damn it.
Geplaatst 1 januari 2016.
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4.2 uur in totaal (3.1 uur op moment van beoordeling)
The acting in all those videos make this game worth more than $5. Amazing direction by Sam Barlowe, astonishing acting by [placeholder for the actress' name, I don't it have in my mind now], and the twisted yet believable story make Her Story one of the best detective, FMV game on the market.

Also a big +1 for making me use pen and paper again for a video game. It's possible to write all my notes in some word document but the excitement of filling up 2 sides of an A4 paper with theories and keywords is hard to find these days.
Geplaatst 24 juni 2015. Laatst gewijzigd 24 juni 2015.
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12.3 uur in totaal (10.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
SOOOOO I did some crack last weekend and ended up playing this game (because this game is all about "cracking" safe...get it? huehuehue) while listening to the Two Best Friend Cast which is the hypest ♥♥♥♥ ever. And here's my review:

Graphic and sounds: Why do I start with these parts of the game first? For a game made back in 2006 where I still played pretty much every adventure game based on Agatha Christie's novels, which were also made by The Adventure Company, Safecracker has such a pleasant 3D graphic though the camera is panoramic so you can only move your camera angle without making any actual movements. The soundtracks may not be plentiful but quite attractive to my ears due its intriguing theme provoking my curiosity.

Story: The plot of the game is pretty simple. You are an expert on cracking safes, having a stereotypical British accent and get hired by family members of an eccentric multi-millionaire oil tycoon who possesses an interest in making safe EVEN THOUGH NONE OF THEM HAS ANY MONEY IN IT, to find his will. There are subtle plot points on his relationship with his siblings and relatives but they do not weigh in much regarding the gameplay.

Gameplay: There is not much gameplay in this game yet you can find the sense of variety due to the *absurd* amount of different "safes." There are safes requiring keys, safes using lazzzer, safes using numpad, safes using physics. It is unlikely to crack a safe similar to another in terms of the solution and how to find it.

Difficulty: This is actually my most concern about puzzle games because games like Syberia and The Longest Journey can be ridiculously hard and impossible due to its fictional logic. Safecracker is on the other side of the spectrum, where everything is logical and sensible given you have the tools to solve it. There are 20-25 safes to be cracked in the game and 5-10 of them require you to use clues retrievable from other puzzles and about 10 other cracks demand you to have keycard or a activating device to use on them first before actually solve them. The average length of time for me to solve 1 safe fluctuated from 5' to 25' and some are ridiculously complex that I needed to get some fresh air before continue cracking it. There are only 2 safes that I have to look up the solution which are the safe with 5 wheels on the 2nd floor and the chess puzzle on the loft.

In conclusion, this game is dope and is quite a remnant for its genre. I do not know any similar games that were made recently. I never had to pull my hair which also surprised me and the bloody safes are not that hard to crack at all. This game would even impress me more if it had MOAR safes and the final choice did have any actual meaning or made you feel your decision matter.

Score: If Conan O'brien means perfect and Jay Leno is diarrhea after Taco Bell night, then this game gets a Craig Ferguson while flirting with any female guest. Yes, it means the game is good.
Geplaatst 2 maart 2014. Laatst gewijzigd 2 maart 2014.
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24 mensen vonden deze recensie nuttig
11.3 uur in totaal
GET THIS GAME RIGHT NOW! You do not have to know Ray Parker JR.'s song or watch the movie (but seriously, if you had not done those, go do it...NOW!) to enjoy this game. The gameplay is great, it has awesome graphic, and all the actors voiced their own characters (you get to hear an awesome and funny Bill Murray without being reminded of an annoying cat..yes I am referring to you Garfield.)

The only down side that you cannot play co-op unlike the console versions (booooooooooo.) Still, this game is a solid 9.5/10 for me.
Geplaatst 3 januari 2014.
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1 persoon vond deze recensie grappig
17.3 uur in totaal
This sim game from 2004 could easily win a 10 from me if it had a couple of drunk wenches in the taverns and had less posh governor's daughters who ALWAYS criticize my dancing skill (yo hot mama, if you happened to be into the new style on da street, you'd see how hip I can be while you stand there hopping like a Harry Styles fangirl.)

So it gets a 9 for the sword fighting mechanic, naval battle (obviously trivial to the latest AC title), and the excellent portrayal of a pirate's life without the STI.
Geplaatst 26 november 2013. Laatst gewijzigd 1 februari 2014.
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3.4 uur in totaal (3.2 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Do not play this game with a sneaky, mischievous mother like mine. Instead of completing her route, she blocked all mine and won with that strategy of hers.

In general, this is a game based on a really good casual board game. It is extremely simple to understand all the rules and even a rookie can win a match in this game.

Usually a player's destination tickets are hidden to other players in the actual board game but if you play the hot seat mode on one computer (I believe it is called Pass and Play), you can be aware of the routes others are trying to make which can slightly decrease the quality and the element of surprise of the game (at the beginning of a game, always block someone who has the Vancouver-Montreal card!)

...what ♥♥♥♥♥ Steam, no rating?! Well I give this game 8.5/10 with a seal of approval from the Center For Kids Who Can't Read Good.
Geplaatst 26 november 2013. Laatst gewijzigd 26 november 2013.
Was deze recensie nuttig? Ja Nee Grappig Prijs
1-10 van 10 items weergegeven