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Bruh. Look at this dood. Wait till you see the. Wa-huh-huh-oh-no-no-no-no-oh-ho-ho. OH LOOK AT THE TOP OF HIS HEAD! LOOK AT HIS LIPS!
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206 hrs on record
last played on Apr 12
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last played on Apr 2
404 hrs on record
last played on Mar 31
Yijyyy Apr 12 @ 11:18pm 
hes part of the jewish paparatzi please report his account to the gestapo
Yijyyy Apr 1 @ 9:56am 
get mogged lil bro, need to racemaxx asap, you will never be like me after fanum done taxed your looksmaxxing skills, maybe later you should try to goon your way to the top of the foodchain in ohio because here in india your nothing but a sub5 grimace shake, and thats the low of the low. i put everything i say on skibidy so you know im not lying. Douglas out....... :steammocking: *dramatic mic drop* (insert racial slur)
Yijyyy Apr 1 @ 9:47am 
big juicy thighs running thru the halls
let me see thy succulent balls
sexual harassment charges at multiple malls
jiggle peeking boys, in the stalls
let the pants turn into gravity, it falls
messy and hairy pubes, we love it all!!!!
Yijyyy Mar 26 @ 8:13am 
this little femboy sl*t keeps trying to get me to set my little mexicano ♥♥♥♥♥ in between his thighs like a roasted turkey ready to be stuffed on thanksgiving.... please stop trying to send love letters to my mom, youll never be in the family. please reconsider lubing up my doorknob because the next time it happens the cops and authorities will be invloved. #stank
illuxe Mar 23 @ 12:57pm 
so the story went like this... So ima bit retarded so i pronounce his fine ass by the milk man little do his close friends know about his dirty little secret. So let me spill the beans he only comes on Friday to drop off the milk and my mom knows him very well just by the shaft of his penis. You may ask your self how? When i came out as a baby i didn't look my dad but some one else and that the man him self the milk man. I remember the violent evenings milk man caused the anger, outrage in the house hold because my mom ♥♥♥♥♥♥ the milk man. It was unbearable i had to leave. I went up for adoption and then again i met the him again MILK MAN. He took me under his wing with pride and care and showed me the true world .Living in the milk van transporting milk across the world we did it with pride and confidence. Banging every white mother we see in our paths. We lived on happily ever after . The story of the milk man and baby alien
Yijyyy Mar 20 @ 10:19pm 
mashallah, your going to be 60 and still receive comments on this profile