Quest Kuhn   Fargo, North Dakota, United States
ain't nothing but a *INSERT LETTER HERE* thing
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Ori and the Will of the Wisps is a fantastic continuation of the first game. All of the new mechanics, as well as the old ones that were brought back were all carefully planned and thought out to fit in with the level design. Once you have been given the main quest of finding the wisps, you have pretty much all of the materials needed to go anywhere in the world you need to go.
When playing, I constantly found myself saying "Woah, that's awesome!" It's like the developers took everything that made the first game great, and expanded on every aspect they could, without compromising difficulty. All of the moves that you preform make you feel like a ninja, especially in the escape sequences where you're tested on all of the mechanics that the game has thrown at you up until that point. The new boss fights were a great addition that I thought that the first game needed, and Moon Studios delivered. The bosses are tough, but a ton of fun to fight.

10/10. Another masterpiece from Moon Studios.
76561199573837426 May 30, 2024 @ 3:57pm 
ZPERO Jan 19, 2015 @ 8:43pm 
Hey I just saw you're pretty high in the ranking for the track "Nightcore - Infinity" on Audiosurf 2
I managed to come in 6 places behing you (605,778 points versus your 719,901)
I was wondreing if you could look at my footage of the same song as well as a few others I have on YouTube and give me a few pointers!
I downloaded the game a couple days ago and have around 25 hours or so... So I'm uploading to YouTube for my friends to see and for situations like this!
Winner392 May 8, 2012 @ 3:06pm 
Epic dude o3o