Four man mission to Uranus
avery   Pennsylvania, United States
the name of the game is your mom and let's just say i'm already playing it


Here in my gar aaaaAAGE just bought this uh, new Lamborghini here. Fun to drive up here in the Hollywood Hills. But you know what I like a lot more than knowledge? This uh, new Lamborghini here. But you know what I like a lot more than the new Lamborghini here? My TEDx talk where I talk about this new Lamborghini here Thethethethe theeeeee In fact, I’m a lot more proud of these seven new Hollywood Hills that I had to get installed to hold two thousand new Lamborghinis. :o :| :o :| :o :| UH It’s like the buffet Warren Billionaire says, “The more you earn, the more you drive up here in the Hollywood Hills. ” In fact, the real reason I keep this Lamborghini here, is. The real reason I keep this Lamborghini here, is that it’s a reminder. A reminder that drears are still possible because it wasn’t that long ago that I was in a little Lamborghini sleeping on bookshelves in the Hollywood Hills, with only 47 billion dollars in my bank account. And only 47 Lamborghinis in my Lamborghini account. And only 47 Hills in my Hollywood account. And only 47 TEDx talks where I talk about Warren Buffets in my TEDx talks where I talk about Warren Buffet account. But you know what? Something happened that changed my life. I bumped into a Lamborghini. And another Lamborghini. And a few more Lamborghinis. I found five Lamborghinis. I don’t call it money anymore, I call it fuel units. You must have enough fuel units. You must have enough Lamborghinis. You must CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS. I’ll see you on my website, it’s a quick video, and uh, you’ll see there absolutely nothing!
현재 오프라인
peter griffin marijuana dubstep
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최근 활동
기록상 3,608시간
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마지막으로 플레이한 날짜: 2024년 8월 17일
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zach ♥ 2017년 2월 5일 오후 5시 44분 
░░░░Respect ThisGuy░░░
░░░Because he is ░░░░
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unreal_king 2016년 10월 19일 오후 9시 05분 
so did you eat my ass and buy overwatch yet
unreal_king 2016년 5월 6일 오후 6시 13분 
GAY WORLD ORDER 2016년 4월 14일 오후 6시 07분 
the sun used to make our outdoor deck and patio space so hot and uncomfortable we couldnt use it but then we discovered the sunsetter retractable awning our sunsetter retractable awning opens and closes in just sixty seconds it keeps our patio about 20 degrees cooler it provides instant shade and protection from the suns harmful rays and our sunsetter cost under seventy hundred dollars but now you can get your sunsetter for as little as 499 dollars when you call now to get this special 200 dollar discount certificate we love our sunsetter retractable awning and you are going to love yours too it transforms your outdoors from sweltering sun to shady oasis in only seconds call now for this free awning idea kit pack with great awning solutions that will let you enjoy your deck or patio much more often this summer plus get this 200 dollar discount certificate tha
white baby 2016년 3월 18일 오전 6시 10분 
Saijax 2016년 3월 15일 오후 1시 10분 
today👏is👏the👏ides of march❗️❗️❗️📆😜 Julius Caesar 💬might💬 have gotten💘the knife😩 but I'm ❌NOT❌🙅 going to stab🔪🔪YOU in the back👌🙏 because you're my 👬HOMIE! send this to 1⃣5⃣ Rulers 👑of Rome that you 🚫won't🚫 stab in the back 🔪🔪 ET TU BROTE?? 🙊