Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

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0 von 35 (0 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften

Going By The Book

Follow the instructions, like a boss!

Barter It Away

Make a tough choice when you're low on ingredients.

Fully Loaded

Upgrade your inventory. It's so roomy!

Over 9000

Upgrade your magic words. A mighty boost to your power level.

Just A Minute

Upgrade your timepiece.

Rapid Response

Be the quickest golem in these parts.

Divine Word

Combinations make the most interesting golems.


Gotta craft 'em all.


Make a new friend.

Reading Diaries

Collect all 10 parts of this fascinating read.


Make it through 10 Endless days.

It's A Kind Of Magic

Shake what your Creation Kit gave you.

All's Well That Ends

Finish the game.


Survive 7 days on Ironman mode


Survive 14 days on Ironman mode


Survive 21 days on Ironman mode


Survive 30 days on Ironman mode

18 versteckte Errungenschaften verbleibend

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