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Đăng ngày: 6 Thg06, 2019 @ 6:44am
Đã cập nhật ngày: 8 Thg06, 2019 @ 7:03pm

Đánh giá truy cập sớm
I supported this Hell Let Loose since day one on Kickstarter and I was looking forward to it more than to any other game, but the devs just trashed everything it was worth buying for.

When I read the Kickstarter campaign of HLL almost two years ago I was really hyped for this game, it sounded like a good alternative to Post Scriptum (which is bascially a WW2 aquivalent to the game Squad). Especially the game mode where the whole map is divided into capture sectors was a refreshing mechanic and turned out to be a lot of fun during the first backer alpha. The game was quite barebones but met my high expectations.
Apperantly some players didn't like the slow tactical approach and complained in the forums about that there was too few action.
The devs then decided to, as they said, "temporary" limit the map size for the next alpha until vehicles find their way in the game.
In the following playtests the map size wasn't adjusted any more and the devs announced the smaller map size to be their standard from now on.

After that they also trashed the whole game concept (their only game mode at this point) and replaced it with a normal capture mode (Conquest with specified cap order). That leads to much more action while the teamplay suffers from it. Also flanks are not worth it any more as the map size is too limited, so you will most likely get spotted very early on. If you once make it somehow, your self placed spawn points will be trashed by the game itself if you lose a caputure point when that spawn point is behind enemy lines now. What the .... ? This is some horrible game design right there.

The game really lost it's whole point when the devs decided to give up their vision of a slow tactical ww2 game. I don't know what has driven them to such decisions but it probably must be a combination of complaining casual gamers and the publisher (who was announced to be their publisher some months ago).
HLL has become a boring, action focussed mess like a Battlefield game on slightly bigger maps. This is just a huge disappointment.

I'm aware that my opinion most likely doesn't represent the majority of players, but I just wanted to warn potential buyers who were expecting a tacical and teamplay oriented ww2 game like it was advertised in 2017 on Kickstarter.

I really wanted to like this game - and I did - until it has fallen victim to the mass market.

EDIT: Because some people say the devs announced more game modes or even that the old game mode will return: I know what the devs are saying, but you should ask yourself why they would remove a working game mode from the game in the first place. You must be really naive to believe that the old game mode will return in it's previous form. Especially because the new (much smaller) maps are designed for the current game mode and I highly doubt they'll inrease the map size afterwards. The one and only map that was made for the old game mode was St. Marie.

I didn't give this game a negative review because it doesn't fit my type of games (I wouldn't do that cause it's not fair in my opinion), but because it was advertised as something that it's not anymore now.

And by the way: Insulting others or me does not support your arguments, you just make yourself ridiculous. You can have a discussion but there's no need for insults. Thanks.
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99 bình luận
Uomo_Felice 8 Thg01 @ 8:30am 
Hi, I am a lone indie developer from Kazakhstan, my first game, about Gaza called Battle for Desert City, is coming out on January 19, costs 10$.
I will be very pleased if you add to your Wishlist and purchase at release day, it will help me so much.
The game is made on Unreal Engine 5.3 What do you think?
Sgt. Paulto 7 Thg09, 2022 @ 10:10pm 
People who say this game is like battlefield or COD have never actually played battlefield or COD. Its entirely different lmao
Kharapos 31 Thg08, 2021 @ 8:47pm 
The game has only gotten worse. Its a complete mess now, automatics everywhere with no recoil. 0 Teamwork. The logistics meta? Completely negated to a quick 5 minute chore at the start of the match and thats it. Tanks feel even worse after their armour overhaul. The "frontline" is now just people not communicating, spawning, and running to the point to die, rinse and repeat. I would not recommend this game to anyone.
Bud Liteyear 14 Thg04, 2021 @ 1:19pm 
I'm a kickstarter, and I agree. Game went casual. And now that the casuals are here, there's no way to outvote them. Its a known fact casuals make up the majority of the market, that's why the overwhelming majority of games are casual.

Note, I'm defining casual as people who play for fun, rather than play to win. I prefer this definition, as its neutral and doesn't paint either group negatively.

Now that the game has been going casual for so long, any attempt to correct course will alienate the new majority of casual players. Its over. We've been replaced. It might not have even been intentional, but there is no way back.

It's a shame, because the market is already flooded with casual WWII PFS games. We hardcore tactical types are just going to have to return to games like ARMA, and wait for someone else to take another stab at it.

Post Scriptum seems better from the outside looking in. But it also looks 10 years old, despite coming out at the same time as Hell Let Loose.
X3PeX 24 Thg03, 2021 @ 9:33am 
The hardcore game you envisioned (Alpha) had a low fun factor because it would have almost no front line and very sporadic fighting. That became obvious as the game developed largely because there is a hard cap of 100 players. There are also other gaming considerations and the competing market to consider.


We're aiming to make a game that mixes the high-intensity carnage, weapon mechanics and brutality of Red Orchestra 2 with the operational, supply and construction mechanics of Project Reality beneath the meta strategy of a game similar to Company of Heroes.

We prefer intense, terrifying and intelligent instead of long, tedious and boring."
tuckabucka 11 Thg12, 2020 @ 3:11pm 
dude its not even a battlefield clone at this point its "cod ground war domination" dont buy until fixed. it was so fun to lay behind cover to see 5 dudes run into field and light them up with mg, now its spawn, get shot so heal, bombing run kills you before heal, respawn 10 seconds later and repeat.
Yesaja 7 Thg12, 2020 @ 1:19pm 
I don't need another Battlefield clone, zoomers can have it. Thanks for the review, will stay clear.
jtodd25 24 Thg09, 2020 @ 7:07am 
so another military game that is actually at it's core just fast paced dodgeball
Jono 11 Thg08, 2020 @ 12:51am 
Thanks for your honest review. Im interested to see this play out as i played post scriptum but the player base just dropped off, and any server with players had passwords. The devs may be correct in their choice to keep the game alive.

Also People like MR>Micheal should just play call of duty if they're too tired to play a slower more tactics based game. He will never know the feeling of hunting down a tank a couple blocks down the road. and ordering squad members to cross the road one at a time and take up positions. And ultimately btfo a tank who didnt see it coming. Its slower but more rewarding and memorable.
Lenni 24 Thg12, 2019 @ 5:45am 
My experience was very different; If you're a tank squad you still have to drive longer distances to the frontline, especially when more than half of the map is under your team's control. It doesn't feel too small to me, only in edge cases where you literally fight on one edge of the map. But that was only once on the map Foy which they overhauled recently to have more cover in general and only when we didn't have a commander for a longer part of the match. So once in 50 hours on one map, that's not bad. There's 2 gamemodes in the game right now. One with a definded attacking side with every new point resetting the timer to 20 minutes. And the classic tug of war mode. Both modes have their purpose in the game right now.