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23.4 ч. всего (9.1 ч. в момент написания)
Let me start off by saying this isn't a bad game and by any means, this isn't a rage review saying how♥♥♥♥♥♥this game is or something, this is my opinion of the game currently. So I am a big fan of survival horror games so I was excited to see another one but I had my doubts considering what happened with DbD being a fail for like half a year.


-The theme for the game is great. The first few movies were good in my opinion, and I think they did a good job using the different Jason skins along with the counselors to create the "immersion" for lack of a better word.

-The game looks beautiful. At max settings, the scenery and the color scheme is amazing and is definitely one of the better looking games out there for the horror genre. Simple stuff as the backround when the mini cutscene for Jason killing the counselors looks great. Also, the models for the counselors are well done and they are definitely realistic.

-In terms of gameplay, it definitely gives you some options on win conditions which is something I felt DbD seriously lacked. Currently, you escape via car, boat or you can have the police come to save you and you can even kill the killer which does require a lot of steps and against any competent player the likelihood of pulling it off is probably slim.


-This game is insanely frustrating for counselors. Maybe that's the point, but I don't see the appeal in one guy being able to teleport, grab you, kill you with 0 counterplay to that. I mean, I know it is a team game and such, but not everyone is going to have a 7 stack (you can have 8 people total, including the killer) with communication all the time. That being said, you can't juke and Jason can run infinitely with the only viable classes people use while you have a stamina bar that depletes pretty quickly even with the skill the max you can have it... I honestly don't think the killer is too overpowered, but the counselors are way too weak in terms of what they can do to strategize against him. Like you can stun him, but you pretty much have to be a certain character to have an adequate strength level. I don't know, it's just kinda lame to me. You can't even like hide in a bush because he will use his abilities that let him see you and then he gets on top of you from an angle you don't even see. There's also a flare gun and a shotgun that stun the killer for a period of time, but they do not damage him, it only stuns him for a period. In general, the counselors items are useful to some extent but don't expect them to win you the game other than the parts to repair vehicles.

-The metagaming in this game is absolutely horrible. Way too often do you get a killer that is being told info where others are and the killer lets the guy he's working with to survive at the end. Why there isn't a separate queue for Jason is beyond me. It would solve a lot of those problems. There were also times were I wanted to play Jason and couldn't because it is all down to luck and setting your preference does jack♥♥♥♥♥♥too. DbD didn't really have too much of an issue with queue times so it is pretty unacceptable when the game advertises being able to play as Jason.

-Another thing that I saw that was pretty humorous is how lacking the devs for this game are. They were saying "we didn't expect so many players to play so that's why our servers sucked" or something like that. WTF? How could they not prepare for something like that and try and make it seem like it wasn't their fault at all is insane.

-The main thing is this game is $40 for a game that should be worth 20, if even, max. You get 3 different maps that are all the same with reused textures so the amount of effort there is pretty appalling and them being an indie company is no excuse for that. If I had a good chance to get a refund, I wish I could just for that money alone but I would've been fine with 20 knowing hopefully it would be a playable game. I don't know how it advertises as a full game, but that is besides the point. They also had this exclusive skin with an exclusive Jason skin with new abilities and the devs refuse to put any of that version of Jason in the game which is also frustrating knowing we are SOL if we ever wanted to play it...

This game isn't the worst, so I'll give it that. Is it worth the money? Probably not, but I can see the appeal I guess since the idea of it seems like it would be a fun game. I really hope that eventually I will get my money's worth but it has been frustrating to play, and it just seems so unfinished gameplay-wise that it really takes away from the game. I'd give it a try, but if it was as annoying as it was for you, I would refund it and wait till the price drops or something.
Опубликовано 2 июня 2017 г..
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318.9 ч. всего (141.3 ч. в момент написания)
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You can drink bleach
Опубликовано 28 апреля 2017 г..
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2.6 ч. всего (1.1 ч. в момент написания)
you must have a friend to be able to play the game, i have none
Опубликовано 2 ноября 2015 г..
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1,652.1 ч. всего (1,508.1 ч. в момент написания)
TF2 used to be really fun because it revolved around skill. If you died, it was your fault. Might have been your team's undoing, but ultmately your fault. Now the game has turned into a ♥♥♥♥ throwing fest. Spam out the ass. Criticals on ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ everything. Everything is a 1-2 hit kill and it's infurating, because almost all of these can't even be stopped. Now they even have weapons that promote pub spam and make it extremely irritating to play against. All of the weapons just slowly ate away at the ballence and theme behind "If you died, it's your fault." and threw skill out the window. It's about who's the cheapest ♥♥♥♥♥♥. But I still love it.
Опубликовано 5 сентября 2012 г..
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