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게시 일시: 2022년 12월 3일 오후 3시 59분

VTuber Connect is a touching story about two lonely people finding each other, combined with an essay on on-line content creation and parasocial relationships. It has great artwork, loveable characters, and tackles some interesting ideas - I'm looking forward to future games from VerumVincula!

I wished the story leaned more into "showing" rather than "telling", though: the lead characters have some nice chat and chemistry, but often their conversations turn into a kind of psychological treatise, as if they're exchanging lines from a book, not talking like two people barely out of high school. These reflective passages slow down the pacing considerably and I think they would be more effectively told through events in the story itself (it's a story, not an essay after all). Tighter editing would help a lot.

For someone not familiar with the Vtuber scene, it's been an interesting read. Recommended.

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