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Big Pappa May 9, 2018 @ 4:47pm 
Bullyhunter_77, I remember this guy back in Nam. We were supposed to go on a mission the next day, but this guy went rogue. He left in the night and assassinated all the Vietcong soldiers. He came back in the morning with their scalps tied to his belt. His lust for blood didn’t stop there. One day he asked if I knew who was bullying my friend jimmy, i said it was Billy. Billy was later found crucified. We confronted bullyhunter_77 and he pulled his gun on us. We were quick thinking and shot him. I thought he was dead, but he has resurfaced. We’re all doomed he will come for you!

Like or the bullyhunter_77 will hunt you.
Jake Aug 19, 2012 @ 4:05pm 
we havet played any games in ages hit me up