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Publisert: 10. juni 2018 kl. 17.08

I have to be honest here, I enjoyed this game, but whether or not I can recommend it is reliant on a fair number of caveats.

First off is the content: This game was designed to be fairly graphic in it's content. Blood, gore, nazi death camps, different types of sexual activites, piles of naked dead bodies, it's all here. I like over the top graphic stuff in my games, but if you don't then I would recommend you stay far away.

Second is the gameplay itself: It's a point and click adventure game, and the gameplay is a bit rough, though the developer (one man team) is open with his community and seems willing to listen to ideas on how to improve future games. That being said, you will still run into cases of not realizing an item is available to pick up because of how well it blends into the environment, or clicking on the wrong part of the screen and something not working (a lamp you can only interact with at a certain camera angle, a nightstand that you have to click the correct part of it to solve a puzzle, having to use a key on a lock instead of the door itself), or issues where the game simply isn't descriptive enough (the items have no descriptions, and you aren't told why something doesn't work, even if in the real world, it probably would). Still, these issues don't crop up too much, and if they slow you down, the forums are here to help you.

One more small thing is that there are a fair amount of typos as well, but nothing that'll interefere with the game, though it is something you will notice (and it can easily be fixed with a patch).

So, that being said, I do still recommend this game to people looking for an intriguing and over the top adventure game. I dig the storyline, and am curious to see where it goes from here (this is part 1 of potentially 6). While there is some jank that can occasionally come with an adventure game, it's nowhere near the genre at it's worst (no pixel hunting, can't screw yourself over by missing an item, dieing sends you back directly before you died instead to a previous save/checkpoint). So yeah, so if want an adventure game with an intrigiung storline and intense content, pick this one up.
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