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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 42.9 tuntia
Julkaistu: 27.12.2023 klo 11.47
Tuote saatu ilmaiseksi

People who fly into a rage always make a bad landing. - Will Rogers


In-depth analysis further down.

🟩 Pros
🟥 Cons

• Great variety of weapons.
• Combat is fun, tight and enjoyable.
• Visuals are beautiful and despite it’s age, the game
holds up quite well.
• High quality animations and voice-acting.
• Interesting story, but the end-battle didn’t really
pan out as intended.

• Enemies are extremely spongy on hardest difficulty,
making it a pain to go through just some of the simplest
• Poor ending, with no end-boss whatsoever.
• Can’t find anymore players playing, so you’re
required to match up with friends to complete the game
for achievements.

🟨 Bugs & Issues‎
🔧 Specs
⚙️ Settings & FPS

Some textures can have some issues and look really pixelated.

• CPU: i7-12700K
• RAM: 32GB DDR4
• GPU: 3080 10GB
• RES: 1440p

Settings: Ultra
FPS: 60

🌌 Content & Replay Value
It took me ~43 hours to Complete the game and experience it to the fullest. The highest difficulty offer a spongy adversary, but thanks to manual saves you can get through the toughest levels. If you find the game too difficult to play on the first run, consider several playthoughs, but overall you can play this game on higher difficulty as you can trim down throw achievements.

💵 Is it worth buying?
Yes. Unexpectedly a very good and underrated title that was overlooked by other shooters out there. AAA quality and holds up well for it’s initial release.

🎮 Steam Deck Compatibility
It works, but it will require using Proton 7.0-6 for a good experience without requiring extensive adjustments or tinkering.

🧾 Verdict: Very Good

Rating Chart Here
I’d say it… it’s a hidden gem and more people need to play this game. There’s lots of love, effort and quality in details put in this IP and I think it’s worth playing if you enjoy a Mad Max combined with Borderlands kinda experience.

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⚔️ Gameplay & Exploration:

RAGE offers an immersive gameplay experience that seamlessly blends intense first-person shooter action with captivating exploration elements. As players navigate through a post-apocalyptic world filled with diverse environments, you can engage in adrenaline-pumping combat against various hostile factions and mutants.
The game encourages exploration by presenting vast and visually stunning landscapes, scattered with hidden locations, ruins, and points of interest waiting to be discovered. The great part about this game is that is not like any other open-world, where you waste time collecting and exploring redundant areas. It’s easy to cover everything in a short time and the most interesting part is the well detailed environment. The thrill of exploration in RAGE lies in uncovering secrets, scavenging for resources, and encountering unexpected challenges that add depth to the gameplay experience.


😄 Fun:

This game delivers an unexpectedly good and satisfying gameplay. Despite my initial expectations, the game surprises me with its seamless fusion of blood-pumping combat and engaging characters and story.

🏞 Visuals & Presentation:

RAGE managed to mesmerize me with its visually striking post-apocalyptic landscapes, meticulously crafted environments, and detailed character designs, including well animated characters and beautiful attention to details. The game's high-definition graphics and stunning visual effects enhance the immersive experience, despite being a 2011 game, showcasing a world teeming with atmospheric beauty amidst the chaos of destruction.

Some people have said they have issues with the graphics not being at the highest difficulty, but overall, with some tweaking, modding and other adjustments you can pull off a great looking game.


🔊 Sound & Voice-Acting:

This game delivers an immersive audio experience through its dynamic sound design, featuring impactful weapon sounds, environmental effects, and atmospheric music that intensify gameplay.

The game's voice acting adds depth to its characters, and by my surprise, this has been incredibly well performed, better than I expected, with compelling performances that bring the diverse cast to life.

📖 Story & Writing:

RAGE unfolds a gripping narrative within its post-apocalyptic setting, offering a storyline blending with intriguing quests and diverse characters. While the writing establishes a compelling backdrop, the game's plot progression and character development may feel less extensive compared to its immersive gameplay elements.

My biggest problem with the game was by far the ending. It was not as epic as I hoped it to be and left me wanting more out of it. Still, I think it’s worth exploring for the story and opening up for the sequel.


🧵 Length & Difficulty:

The game is rather lenghty, with a good 25 hours to sink in exploring, and immersing yourself in the game. Difficulty can be adjusted and lowered at any time, but the only changes I’ve seen was to how spongy the enemies feel in combat and not how well the AI performs. The game's duration may vary based on exploration, but generally provides a manageable difficulty level suitable for various player skill levels.


RAGE stands as a visually stunning and immersive post-apocalyptic game with captivating exploration and intense combat. With a large variety of weapons and fairly good enemy variety. While offering moderate length and balanced difficulty, its narrative depth and character development might not match its outstanding gameplay and visual presentation, but is interesting enough to keep you engaged. Overall, RAGE excels in delivering thrilling action and breathtaking landscapes, making it a worthwhile adventure despite some narrative limitations that I hope to see open up more in the sequel.
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2 kommenttia
Vasharal 31.12.2023 klo 1.21 
@Adriano Nothing like that, no. I've had no issue on the sound department.
Adriano 30.12.2023 klo 16.16 
I noticed that both original and 64 bits version have some kind of sound issues for me, like stoping for a second (especially in cars, dead silent for 1-2 seconds, then engine/weapon/boost makes noise again); you haven't encounter this issue?