Teukros the Chivalrous
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Agincourt Carol
This song was composed when King Henry V and his troops returned to
England from France, after their victory at the Battle of Agincourt, 1415

Deo gratias Anglia, redde pro victoria. (Give thanks England to God for the victory.)

Owre kynge went forth to Normandy,
With grace and myght of chyvalry;
Ther God for hym wrought mervlusly,
Wherfore Englonde may calle and cry,
Deo gratias,
Deo gratias Anglia, redde pro victoria.

He sette a sege, for sothe to say,
To Harflu toune with ryal aray;
That toune he wan and made a fray,
That Fraunce shall rewe tyl domesday.
Deo gratias,
Deo gratias Anglia, redde pro victoria.

Then went owre kynge, with alle his oste,
Thorowe Fraunce for all the Frenshe boste;
He spared for drede of leste, ne most,
Tyl he come to Agincourt coste;
Deo gratias,
Deo gratias Anglia, redde pro victoria.

Than for sothe that knyght comely,
In Agincourt feld he faught manly;
Thorow grace of God most myghty
He had bothe the felde, and the victory;
Deo gratias,
Deo gratias Anglia, redde pro victoria.

Ther dukys, and erlys, lorde and barone,
Were take and slayne, and that wel sone,
And som were ledde in to Lundone
With joye, and merthe, and grete renone;
Deo gratias,
Deo gratias Anglia, redde pro victoria.

Now gratious God he save owre kynge,
His peple and all his welwyllynge,
Gef him gode lyfe and gode endynge,
That we with merth mowe savely synge;
Deo gratias,
Deo gratias Anglia, redde pro victoria.
Eser Jan 16 @ 3:51pm 
We f.cked the Ironborn at Deepwood Motte.
Like we did at Fair isle.
And we held Storm's End for a year.
Against the armies of the Reach.
RTK | Lumieré Jan 8 @ 5:17pm 
فكيف سيذكر الله غداً من ينسانا في الظلام؟
Karabay Jan 4 @ 1:14am 
Қазақстанның Алматы қаласындан сәлем, Теюқрос менің жүрегі таза, ойы өткір, өзі қотақ бас досым. Мен оны жақсы көремін және адам жақсы көргенінді сігеді.
RTK | Lumieré Jan 3 @ 3:15pm 
Chivalrous Roleplay olarak, bu seneki emeklerin için teşekkür ederiz! Umarım, umduğun gibi bir yıl geçirirsin. Şimdiden Mutlu Yıllar!
[23rd] Morgoth Jan 2 @ 6:53am 
Beyazla arkadaş olmasa iyi adam
Eser Dec 31, 2024 @ 10:16am 
So Tell me Turncloak!!!
What Battles has the bastard of Bolton ever won,
that I should fear him???