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234.9 h en tout (33.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
And here I thought this would be a fun game for me. Oh how wrong I was. When I first started this game, I played solo on easy to get use to the game. It was fun at first but it slowly died out the more I played. After playing some multiplayer matches with about 30 hours of gameplay, I personally had no fun. Lets go over the Pro's and ♥♥♥'s.


1. Gameplay: Gameplay here is great. You can be a sneaky ninja and make off with the money and gold without having the police be called in or just put on full armor and gun-down everything in your path to make the quick dollar. Weapons are varied, though a lot of it is behind DLC (which I will get to later). It is action packed and pulse pounding when robbing a bank or stealing from a museum.

2. Weapons: With so many weapons and weapon attachments, there is a large amount of gameplay styles you can choose. From the silent killer or sniper watchmen to the LMG back-up man or standard soldier this game has varied weapons for varied heist, although new and better weapons hide behind DLC.

3. Heist missions: These heist missions are great and enjoyable, although most are behind DLC. These missions are not too open but varied, from stealing from a bank to raiding a nightclub, each mission is different with the main goal of making money. *Far better than GTA:Online heist missions*

4. Perks: Perks here are interesting and can affect what player you are. From stealth perks and traits to medical to gunner and even sniper, there is a large amount of perks and traits you can choose to affect what play style you go for.

5. Cosmetics and characters: Cosmetics and characters are huge and varied. From mask to weapons to even character models themselves, each is different, although most are behind DLC.


1. Anti-new player: Now, what do I mean by anti-new player? Well, this game is not for those that are trying to get into it. Sure you can ask friends who own it to help you level or play with you but when you play with randoms are you are the sole level 15 while everyone else is Ace 3 level 68, there is a problem. Veteran players dislike new players as they don't have good guns, lower level (meaning less perks and traits), and worst when they have never played the mission nor the game that much. This game is extremly harsh on new players and unless you follow them by the book, you are probably gonna get kicked. I was kicked 5 times in one day from matches because I was lower level. IMAGINE THAT! For 30 minutes, I was kicked from almost every game I joined because I was a level 17. WHAT A JOKE! And even when you play, the only difficulties available on matchmaking are deathwish and overkill, probably cause they give the most exp and money but when you are new and you just want to learn or get use to the game, TOUGH ♥♥♥♥ cause you are gonna be worthless, like the third wheel at every party.

2. DLC. You may have guessed by now that the DLC here is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ absurd. Even in the pro's, I have to mention DLC because the DLC here is a huge ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ problem. When I bought the stock game, I was amazed by the amount of weapons ONLY TO SEE THAT THEY ARE BARRED FROM ME BECAUSE DLC! What the ♥♥♥♥ is this!? And the DLC are worth $3-7. WHAT!? Not only that, the DLC only give you about 4 new weapons, 4 new mask, a small number of cosmetics, and new weapon attachments. I can care less about how much it cost, its how it is locked off. This should have been free content because if you want to keep your game fresh and all people get are the stock game, dont try to rip off people by stomping them with the gaint paywall that there is. Even worst, the loot system, which I will get to in a moment, gives me weapon attachments and decals for gun I dont own and worst are a part of a DLC. WHAT THE ♥♥♥♥ IS THAT!? You are telling me that it is okay to work hard on deathwish only to get a weapon attachment for a gun I dont own and I cant even get because it is behind the stupid paywall. HELL THIS GAME HAS MORE DLC THAN ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ SIMS 3, WHICH IS SAD! If you look at all the DLC there is for Payday 2, you have to scroll down to see it all. I kid you not. Even characters are behind paywalls. I know EA was bad for DLC but whole ♥♥♥♥ does this take it to a whole new level.

3. Drop system: Why does this game have such a questionable drop and loot system? How it works is when you complete a heist, you can pick 3 cards. Each card is randomly generated and varies from weapon attachments to decals and mask. At least it isnt as bad as Destiny where you can sometimes not even earn anything at the end of missions but whole crap does the drop system suck here. From the 3 cards, you must pick 1 and that is your reward. Pretty much you let Jesus take the wheel and watch as RNJesus spin the roulette and hope you get a weapon attachment because you cannot unlock weapon attachments from using the weapon or even buy it. NOPE! You have to win it from the drop, which is absurd. Why cant I just buy the attachment after the mission? Why do I have to let RNJesus take the wheel just for a weapon attachment? Not only that, the weapon attachment is even random. RANDOM! Meaning you can get a weapon attachment for a revolver you dont even have or unlocked or even worst, is a weapon attachment for a weapon that is behind the DLC. WHAT!? WHY!? WHAT IS THE POINT BEHIND THIS!? Out of the 30 hours I put in this game, I only got 3 attachments at most for weapons I currently own, while 16 of the rest were weapons I didnt even own or can even get because of the DLC. How does this make my experience better when I still cannot even kill a standard guy in hard with the weapons I have?

4. Money: What is the point of having money when you have to level up to unlock for them and you have to pray to RNG that you have attachments for them during your play time? I sat with more than 4 mil in the bank and nothing to spend it on. Weapon attachments you earn from missions have to be payed for but when most of the attachments you get are behind weapons in DLC or at absurd level 70 points, what is the point? It gives me less incentive to do more heist as the money will just sit in my safehouse gathering dust.

5. Veteran players: Now, not every vet player is a bad person, some I met are nice. But when majority of the matches I join I get kicked or is on overkill or deathwish and they expect me to stealth when I have no points or next to no skill in stealth and have no supressor because I didnt get it from the drop system, they are jerks. These guys dislike it when even the slightest thing goes wrong. When someone restarts the heist for the 15th time because someone gets caught while sneaking around, it gets tiresome and makes me want to quit, which most other players do. I began to despise vet players because when you are level 24 and the next 3 guys with you are Ace 4 and above with all the DLC weapons and stuff too, you are pretty much a handicap to them. As I said, not every vet player is like this but majority of the ones I have met so far were like this.

Overall, I would rate this game 6/10, from my perspective. I was burned out from all the vets, the loot system, and the incentive to even do a mission. Might I also add that the AI partners in solo is crap? They dont help until the cops are called in. The only good news about them is at least they are bullet sponges. I would not recommend this game to new players unless they have friends who have played it for a long time help them out. I would have rated this game even lower than 6 but the game itself isnt bad, its just my experience was hurt by it from the vet players to the DLC.

Edit: Changed the the difficult hard to overkill. Been a while since I played it last so I tend to forget a lot.
Évaluation publiée le 6 aout 2016. Dernière modification le 11 aout 2016.
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20.7 h en tout (9.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Now, I love the RWBY series. I like the story and mythos. However, I cannot recommend the game currently. For starters, I got this game during the summer sale and I only played about 85 mins. It was about $10 when I got it and I notice something pretty weird. Previously, this game started as $15. After an update, it went to $20. Now it is $25. Hopefully this is its final stand but it is pretty strange to rise your price over time when other games from early access stayed the same price at full release. Now other than that, lets go over the pro's and ♥♥♥'s of this game. Note: This is quite lengthy, so I will make a short review on it at the bottom.


1. Models: So far, the models have reverted back to their early state, which is very similar to the show models. That is an improvement considering the small controversy on the model change upon the first major update, making the models look a bit dated and weird.

2. Combat: The combat in this game is more of a hack and slash, so if you are not into hack and slash, this will get boring fast. However, the combat animations are on point and show off the characters movesets. Each have their signature style of combat and it shows the amount of effort put in to work on the combat animations to resemble those from the show.

3. Graphics: The looks and art style of the show are here in the game. It is bright, colorful. While most are recycled and quite dull at times, it is obvious the developers want you to feel like you are in the shows universe.

4. Voice-acting: The voice acting is great. Some points, not so much, but mostly well spoken and similar to the show.


1. Lack of content: Now as I said, this is a hack and slash and it does get quite samey. You got repeated monsters and not much variation than mash buttons to win. However, not much has really changed from its early access to its release. So far, only more maps were added to the story. So if you wanted more characters other than team RWBY, you are out of luck.

2. Price: The price point of this game is ridiculous. For $25, this will feel shallow unless you are planning multiple playthroughs with all 4 members of RWBY and can withstand the grind. Other than that, this game feels like a $15 game than a $25. I would hold on to your money and wait for either more content or till the price drops.

3. No new characters: Now, on the news, it is stated that upon the full release new characters will be added. Where are they? There is still the same team RWBY available. Now I understand that making the models and animations are tough but when you advertise and promise to have new characters upon launch, I expect it. Because of this, some consumers are more wary of the developers and holding off when they cannot withhold the promises they made upon launch. Now they did state that more characters will be added for free later on but I cannot accept the fact that no new characters were available on launch.

4. Combat upgrades: Now, it is no suprise that the game has a level up system in it to upgrade whichever character you play, however, the pre-requisites are out of proportion. 300 range kills? 150 ult kills? Now, this may not seem like a lot to others but when you are playing 4 player co-op, with everyone running off like headless chickens taking your kills, it becomes a chore to get there. Sure, you can play with friends and ask them to let you take the last hit kills to level up but in random matches, it is quite difficult to accumilate. "But the game has singleplayer cross-connection. Wouldn't that mean you can level up in singleplayer as well to get the level ups?" Yes but not that the game raises the difficulty the more players there are in the match, and by raising the difficulty, it means spawning more things. So in singleplayer, you may only accumulate about roughly 60-70 kills at bestor you can join a 4 player co-op and rack up 200-250 kills (that is if you get most of the kills itself). So you will need to grind hard and make sure you are not spamming the attack buttons to try get the unlocks itself because for most new players, it will become quite difficult to not mash the attack button just to get 1 more range kill.

5. Story: Story is mediocore at best. It is in between season 2 and season 3. It is quite dull and you will not care much about it at all later on as it becomes obvious and see plot lines from miles away.


good models
great voice acting
has the feel of the universe
good hack and slash combat

bare content
ridiculous price
no Neopolitan (I cry everytime ;~;)
grindy upgrades
meh story

All in all, its not a terrible game, not in the long mile but it is quite lacking. Its like drinking soda. You can drink as much as you want but you will always feel a bit lacking or wanting more by the end. Overall, I would say it is about 5/10 at the current state. It's not groundbreaking standards but not ♥♥♥♥♥. I would save your money and wait till it hits a sale for about $15 or $10 or wait for more content to release. Thankfully, most of the updates will be free but this is most likely like Titanfall, you will power it up only to play about 1-3 matches at best.
Évaluation publiée le 5 juillet 2016.
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386.9 h en tout (135.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)

So, if you are reading this, then please understand that this is a game you should try at least. The reason why is because I both love and hate this game. For almost every positive aspect, there is a negative one. The reason why is cause of the devs poor quality for customer service and polish of the game. Lets go over the pro's and ♥♥♥'s.


1. Characters are unique. There are various characters in the game, each with their own traits. Some may be better than others but each has their ups and downs. This changes the game flow for each character you play. One may be a soldier with amazing shooting skills but is an absolute jerk and a coward who is very good at cooking. The vary in character traits makes each playthrough a little different.

2. Breakdown DLC. This DLC is crazy fun. Its a DLC to test how long you can last before you meet your end. You also have to choose which character to bring with you to the next level because the goal in it is to find and fix and RV to move up the level. Each level you progress increases the difficult. The higher the level, the more zeds you will find and trust me, fighting them is hard. This game is unforgiving since characters can die permenantly. You can retrieve the dead characters gear but it will be a huge impact on your survivability. You also start out with a randomly generated character and by completing challenges, you unlock Hero survivors that have crazy bonuses. Once you unlock those Heroes, they become playable themselves in your next playthough, giving you an advantage on each playthrough, though some Heroes are painfully better than others. This DLC itself has issues but we will get on that in the ♥♥♥♥.

3. The mechanics. In this game, you need to make sure your group of survivors can live on by gathering food, medicine, weapons, ammo, etc. As you continue to fortify your base, more survivors will want to join you. Of course, you are given the option to take them in or not but it is a hard choice. More survivors mean better defenses against hordes but also a cost of more resources. You also need to build special buildings in your base. Although some are far more important than another, the essential buildings are medical tents and a workshop. This game makes you think as well has play carefully. This isnt like L4D where you can clear 100's of zeds in 10 seconds with a auto shotgun and pills, this is harsh. Fighting 1 zed is easy but when there are 3 or more, the difficulty in fighting increases drastically, making you the prey and them the hunters. There are also special infected like the feral who is agile and can take your survivor down if you are alone. So always be prepared even when scavenging.

4. Lifeline DLC. Now this one may be the most challenging of them all. This DLC puts you as the military during a zed outbreak as you try to control the situation. Almost everything is bleak with hordes everywhere, many soldiers lost to the zeds, and survivors in need of help. This paired with the fact that the number of playable characters you get is very small makes every soldier count. Losing one soldier is much more impactful in Lifeline than in Breakdown since there are barely any other surviving soldiers out there. In exchange, you get a ♥♥♥♥ ton of ammo and guns to defend your outpost along with support from the military that you have to capture yourself. This puts people at the edge of their seats wondering if they should go scavenge for supplies or save another citizen in need. The choices are yours to make.


1. Bugs. Bugs everywhere. I am not joking. This game is so buggy that it even puts Assassins Creed: Unity to shame. There are questionable bugs like cars thrown into the air for no reason, small taps of the car on an object can explode or throw the car 30 ft away, survivor AI is mostly buggy and braindead, floating survivors, falling through the map, etc. The devs have not fixed many since its release and it really sucks. This game is fun but you gotta go through a lot of bugs.

2. Breakdown DLC. Why is this in the ♥♥♥♥ when I put it in the pros? Cause this DLC also has issues. The map never changes when you advance in level, making it repetitive and dull after going through 2 levels of it. Certain Heroes can make the game far too easy like the church guy who can give you max stamina when tired along with the radio operator who can do the same thing, making you go on with 1 guy for the rest of the playthrough. Another is a soldier Hero who can call in artillery, has leadership skill, amazing gun skill, and has good stats overall. Not only that, once you play the map enough times, you know where to go to get supplies, where to get weapons, what bases are the best. It gets very repetitive fairly quickly. Oh and did I mention this is on a real time mechanic? That's right. After you quit the game, the day can continue on, making you lose resources depending on how long you left it alone and items can reset. For example, I had 400 rifle ammo with 300 shotgun ammo, 10 of each med, 500 snacks, and 3 cars outside. After leaving it for 2 hours and hoping back in, I am down to 100 rifle ammo, 50 shotgun ammo, 5 meds, 30 snacks, and all the cars outside are now different than what I once had. This game gives you items when you leave based on the resources you have. So if you have 500 ammo for a pistol but a resource of 10 ammo, you will get ammo equivelant to the 10 ammo of resources instead of the 500 ammo you got, making things frustrating as hell to get it all back.

3. Story. This story sucks. The story is very boring and most of the characters I shrugged at or didnt care. I only cared for characters that had good stats die and even then, the character are never fleshed out well. Oh and did you know the ending of this game is a cliffhanger? That's right. The devs were planning on making a sequel without even making us understand most of what the ♥♥♥♥ is even happening. Since then, the devs have been silent on the sequel since. I dont know if they are even working on it or not but this is absurd for the devs to give us this ♥♥♥♥ of a story. The Lifeline DLC is a little better but I would have much rather play a COD or BF story than that.

4. Maps. There are literally only 2 maps, the original and Lifelines. That is all they give us and these maps arent even huge. The original is okay but its not very far. Lifeline is small and closed off more than the original. This can make playthroughs dull.

Overall, if I was to rate this game, it would be a 6/10 or a 6.5/10. This game is average with some interesting mechanics. It is worth a shot but dont get it for full price. I got mines with all DLC half off and that felt just about right for me. The devs really need to polish this game and if they are making a sequel, they better have more maps and better quality cause I dont like it when I am playing a game then the frames suddenly chug from 30 to 10 just from 10 zeds on screen.
Évaluation publiée le 29 septembre 2015.
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57.1 h en tout (13.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
This game is great. One of the best single-player strategy games I have tried so far. It is very addictive with a great storyline, great characters and character progress, interesting mechanics, and great graphics. This game is an instant favorite for me the moment I saw the intro. I have already poured over 30 hours into the game and I felt satisfied. So lets get down to the pro's and ♥♥♥'s.


1. Story: The story is by far the strong suit of the game. The story revolves around a small independent nation, Gallia, being invaded by the Imperials from the east. Your job is to stop them and reclaim the nation as the militia. You follow Welken Gunther and Alicia Melchiott along with their squad, Squad 7, as they fight to save their nation. The story will grip you at moments and give you all kinds of emotions. Happiness, saddness, gloom, hopeful, and more. This game pulls the player in on the story with extensive lore that updates the more missions you complete. So if you are looking for a great story, this is one of them.

2. Characters and character progress: The characters and their progression throughout the war is great. There is, also, a tab to learn more about each member of Squad 7 and the other characters throughout the story. You can increase your squad members backstory by using them in missions. Even at the end of the game and do new game plus, you can read up more on the squad of what they did after the war. It adds more depth in the characters in your squad. Even the main characters get great progression as time passes on in the story. One such character is Brigitte "Rosie" Stark. I won't spoil the story about her and her change but she is one of the strongest characters to get progress. This game makes you attached to the characters and makes you want them to win and live on throughout the war.

3. Gameplay: The gameplay is a mix of turn-based strategy with third-person shooter and real-time strategy. It is fun to play and is quite interesting. There is also character potentials to unlock when upgrading in the training room and by using them in combat. There are various types of characters with different traits and potentials, though some are a lot better than others. *cough* Jane *cough* You are given CP (command points) to use a character. Tanks take up 2 CP while foot soldiers use 1 CP. In that one CP, you can choose to move anywhere because the game doesnt use the traditional square turn-table but instead a free roam map. You can do an action like firing your rifle or throwing a grenade and even if you do that, if you have left over stamina, you can move again. They also added a mechanic where you can use all of your CP on 1 character but the character loses stamina when selected. There are orders you can give out as well that cost CP. 1 turn can take 2 minutes or even 15 minutes with so many options at your disposal. There is also class variations like scouts and shocktroopers. Each with their own role and benefits. Scouts with the greatest stamina and rifles but average armor and shocktroopers with the highest armor, smgs, and average stamina. It has upgrades and weapons you can pick up from battle as well to equip. You can even select who you want in your squad to change it up. There are even challenges you can do along side with the main story. It has so much to offer that it is hard to put down.

4. Soundtrack: The soundtrack is excellent. I loved each song played, especially one song sung by one of the characters. It help show more emotion behind the story and in combat. Once you beat the game and start a new game plus, you unlock the music tab and you can listen to the entire soundtrack. It is great.

5. Art style: The art style is great and amazing to look at. It's a mix of a sketch color art and drawn graphics, creating an interesting graphical outlook on the game.

6. The price: For $20 for over 30 hours of content plus extra, this is such great value and a steal when on sale. I got this for about $6.79 and it is worth it. For all of this content, it would even be worthy of the $60 price tag.

7. Level up: This game knew that people dont like leveling up one character at a time so they decided to throw that out the window and say that everyone in a class now levels up. To level up, you go to the training room and spend exp on classes to unlock new orders, new potentials in soldiers, and better stats on soldiers. So you dont have to worry about replacing a squadmate for a new one just so you can unlock their potential or to level up because this level up system affects all units under each class.

8. Japanese and english dub options: This game gives you the option to change how the characters speak, which some japanese games dont give the option to the player. With this, you dont have to listen to japanese dubs, though I prefer japanese dubs. if you dislike how they voice-act.


1. Anime: Now this one is a small gripe but I know some people will not play this just because it is like an anime, which it is. Even with that, I still think that non-anime players and anime-haters should give this game a try and not shun it. It is worth it.

2. Replay value: After beating the game once, all that is left is to get better scores on missions. For people who want to be a perfectionist, this game will suck you in for another 20 hours but for me, I kinda dont want to replay a game for a better score.

Overall: 9/10

This game is absolutely stunning. I would use this game as a perfect example of why single-player games should continue to exist instead of games like Battlefield or Titanfall or even COD. True, multiplayer is fun and holds up the game a bit longer than a single-player game but most of the games like Battlefield or COD, will leave you un-satisfied. I always felt un-satisfied with those games but this game made me feel real satsfied and was a blast to play. I hope this game gets more attention and I hope that the sequels of Valkyria Chronicles get ported over to PC because I will literally throw my wallet to my computer screen.
Évaluation publiée le 3 avril 2015.
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83.0 h en tout (64.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
If you are prepared to die a lot and get frustrated a bit, then this is a game for you. I recommend this to anyone who has not tried it. This game is well-crafted, althought the port is less so and how it use to be intigrated with Games for Windows Live (One of the most frustrating things to have). But Dark Souls is now intigrated with Steam so don't worry about that. Now for the Pro's and ♥♥♥'s for this game.


1. Difficulty. This is, by far, the most difficult game I have tried before. Even Mile High Club on Veteran seems like a cake walk to this game. Yet, this game has this weird charm on me to keep on coming back as if I had found my calling as a masochist. This game is un-forgiving and brutal. For those who never got it and think this will be like a walk down a winter wonderland, think again. There are bosses that will crush you in 2 hits (some in 1 hit as well), enemies that swarm you, Toxic poisoning, and hidden platforming that leads to great loot.

2. Death system. Now this may not sound or seem good but I think it is a good feature. It adds discipline to the player that is use to killing everything in their way. It makes you think about timings and ways to out-smart or best a enemy. It, also, makes you lose all your souls (currency and skill points) and humanities on your character. Not only that, if you are Human and you die, you will become an Undead again and need to try regain your humanity or else you will not be able to call in summons to assist you against bosses.

3. Boss battles. These are some of the best and most interesting boss battles I have seen in a while. These bosses are huge, epic, and are unlikable. Each boss has a unique skill set which you can master and use against them to slay them. After you manage to defeat the boss, you will feel so much satisfaction and want to brag about it to your friends about. Not that I have done that (lol lies). Not only that, you must use your wits to find ways to defeat your enemies quickly without taking too much damage.

4. Bonfires. Never before has a bonfire seem so important to me. The bonfire will be your best friend in the game. With certain purchases and upgrades, it is used to lvl up your character, repair your weapons and armor, upgrade your weapons and armor, restore healing potions, restoring your humanity, and more. This makes players wanting to find these bonfire fast and quickly before a monster kills them. Bonfires are also spawnpoints for when you die so you better hope you set a bonfire near where you died or else it will be a long adventure to get your souls and humanities back.

5. The world and locations. The world and locations are a breath-taker. Never before have I seen such a awesome yet spooky world where you can die at every step yet sometimes, the area looks elegant and mysterious. Such places as Anor Londo and the Undead Burg. Each has such a depth and scale to the world and the environment you live in.

6. Weapons and armor. The weapons and armor in this game look amazing. Some look better than others but looks don't always matter when you are being chased by 3 Silver Knights. Many go for the most useful armor but some armors have unique stats and bonuses. Like a Shield that increases you stamina regen or a Sword that can bleed your enemies. These make the game more interesting with its huge varieties of weapons and fighting styles. Note: you can choose what weapons to equip on which hand.

7. Multiple classes. There is a lot of classes you can pick from. From knight to mage to archer to assassin, all classes have their ups and downs but each leans towards what play style you want to play as. There is also the choice of bonuses and character customization, althought the customization is quite minimum.


1. Difficulty. As much as I praise the difficulty, it also has its downs. The difficulty curves quite highly sometimes where you might want to grind. Use bonfires to respawn enemies and go souls gathering because sometimes, the enemies and bosses can destroy you in less than 20 seconds. So be prepared for that.

2. PvP. Now, for those who already have the game may call BS on this but I think it sucks. Why? Because at this point, for anyone who just bought this game will learn that most players that invade will be 150 times above their lvl and they will have their ♥♥♥♥ ruined. Every player that has invaded me were always above my lvl and killing me in one hit. Another thing is that you need to be human to get invaded into a PvP but you also need to be human to summon other players to help you fight bosses, which essencially turns into a 2v1 PvP where the invading player may be at a disadvantage unless he/she is stronger than both players. So for now, just stay Undead unless you want to summon someone to help you in a boss fight or to kindle the bonfire (that increases your health pots)

3. Blight Town. ♥♥♥♥ that place. If you don't know, just search up a video on Blight Town and you will understand

These are my pros and ♥♥♥♥. You don't have to take these seriously, except the Blight Town one, since these are my opinions. But overall, a great experience and game to play. I would give this game a 9/10. Now go out there and die a lot for the world!
Évaluation publiée le 21 décembre 2014.
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265.2 h en tout (70.5 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
After playing this game for many hours, I must say, this game is good. It shows a side of war that not many games show. Sure Spec Ops: The Line showed the effects of war and decisions for soldiers but this game focuses on the citizens, the people who didn't want and deserve to be in the war. Many don''t focus on that cause people prefer action. So I will just say the pro's and ♥♥♥'s


1. Click adventure. The controls are very simple. It only needs mouse interactions and it is quite simple to understand what the icons in the game mean.

2. Character stories. There are about 8 preset characters, each with their own story on life and how the war has changed them. It is very interesting to learn about each character and the hardships they went through cause of the effects of war.

3. Politics through the perspective of those in the warzone. Most people don't feel as much about the government when talking about war because it is usually something people don't like to talk about but in This War of Mine, when you listen in on the radio about the politics happening, you want to get up and beat the ♥♥♥♥ out of the government for what they are doing. There are many examples like how the government postpones a peacemaking group from entering the town another 2-3 weeks or when the soldiers from the government commit atrocities against the citizens. Each bit of news makes you feel more about what life is like as a citizen in a warzone.

4. The harsh environment. This isn't a picnic in the middle of the meddow, this is war and it is never pretty. Bandits try to raid your home, even scared innocent citizens try to raid you just to live another day. I shows the truth and ugly side of the war that no one wants to know.

5. Permenant death. Your characters will die. If you don't take good care of your folk, it will cause problems to you and your other survivors. This makes you want survivors to live.

6. Choices. This game has some hard choices. There is no moral ground in war, there is only survival and this game has it in spades. Sure stealing from people is wrong but sometimes, you must put aside all morals and do what is best for your people. I had to steal from many innocents that didn't deserve it and will die cause of me but it is either me or them and I would much rather look after my own people rather than worry about others. There are also people who visit your safehouse asking for help like medicine, food, or just require one of your folk to help them. It is up to you if you are willing to give up all your medicine for a mother who is dying.

7. Morale. Your characters are not soldiers, they are just people. Because of that, they are not as hardened as soldiers in the field of battle. As such, when someone dies, your survivors will become depressed, broken even. Even stealing, killing innocents, and denying request will affect your survivors. If someone is broken and beyond depressed, they will kill themself from such depression. This makes players watch and value each character even more.

8. Scenarios. This game can give you a random scenario with pre-set items and characters. You can start in the winter or summer and sometimes you can get either 1-4 survivors in your party to start. Although this is a RNG dice roll, doesn't mean it gives a challenge. Personally, I like a challenge and I would accept it, for others though, this is a hit or miss with others. There is also scenarios during the time when you are surviving like when bandit run wild or when the market for trading changes prices with certain items.


1. Click adventure. As simple as the game is, it has its problems. For those who have played action games will not find much enjoyment from this game cause of how simple the game controls are. Simple controls leads to boring and repetitive gameplay.

2. Difficulty. The first couple of games will be hard but once you understand the game concept and how it works, I never lost a single person. The game becomes too easy and becomes bland as time passes. If there were difficulty setting and options, then this game would be more fun.

3. Save. This game has no manual save, it only has auto save and it only auto saves at the end of a day. A manual save function would be good. There is also no muliple save files, there is only one. Although this seems a bit questionable, this is a minor ♥♥♥.

4. Combat. There really isn't much combat and when there is, it is just "click the dude and hope you win." Each character has traits so some characters can defeat a person better than others will but the combat is quite RNG like. If you dont have a combat expert and you are spotted, you better pray to god that the dice rolls in your favor.

5. Guns. Guns in this game are largely pointless to use when scavenging. They cause loud noises and can barely kill anyone. Mostly because bandits and soldiers have armor so melee is the much better option when scavenging. The only use for guns is to defend your safehouse from raids but that is all they are valued for, other than trading.

Even with these problems, it still doesn't mean it's a bad game. The game is strong and it is a nice change after seeing Battlefield 4 and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 and more. It may not be as good and as entertaining to some but for those who enjoy a challenge and a change in pace for war times, this game is up your alley. My only gripe is when the game adds a difficulty setting and option and a infinite mode where the war last forever and try see how long will you survive until you meet your demise. For the difficulty setting, I want a option that turns of trading because in the later or mid-game, you can really never die or lose since a trader visits you every so often and there are areas that have trading spots, more specifically the Central Junction, where it is a trading mecha. It is cool to see a community create a trading center during war times but it becomes too easy with the amount of items they sell. You can essencially live on forever. If there is a option that turns off trading, I would gladly turn it on for the rest of my playtime.

Overall: 7.5/10
Évaluation publiée le 5 décembre 2014.
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This game is not bad. I can understand why people enjoy it but I had more fun playing Dead Rising 2 than this game. There are many reasons why but it is easier to go over the most glaring issues I have with this game.

1. No experimenting. In Dead Rising 2, it had introduced combo weapons. To me, I loved the combo weapons, no matter how wacky or unimaginable the weapon was but at least you could experiment with it. Dead Rising 3 has the same but it doesn't have as much depth as in Dead Rising 2 because in order to craft combo weapons, you need a blueprint to unlock it rather than experimenting in Dead Rising 2 which unlocks the combo card but you get half of the PP earned while using it.

2. The level up system. In the previous Dead Rising series, it was completely random on what you leveled up. Sometimes it is good and sometimes it is bad but it adds variety and makes you want to level up and gain PP more. In Dead Rising 3, it is very simple and it doesn't motivate me enough to level up. The only skills I did end up leveling was health and item capacity which is a minor issue and can be a tad bit annoying.

3. Blueprint collectables. What is the point of collecting blueprints when they added the option to unlock all of a catagory of blueprints in your level up system. It ruins the point of exploring the open world. Sure you can run around and find other collectables like the Frank West tropies or the Sad Endings, but those only give PP which I never really cared for as much.

4. THE WEAPON LOCKER! Why give us a weapon locker that can spawn insane amounts of items? In fact, why is it in the game? It ruins the point of exploring and creating combo weapons. For those who have not gotten the game yet, essencially, the weapon locker is a locker that can spawn items you have picked-up on during your adventure. It may sound cool but when it allows you to spawn combo weapons, what is the point? All I had to do was craft one combo weapon and went back to the weapon locker to spawn 3 more of it. That kills the combo system that was innovative in Dead Rising 2.

5. Combo Vechicles. Now many of you may wonder why this is a bad thing. "Its a cool thing to have man! A motorcycle combined with a steam roller is awesome!" But here is the thing, it makes the game far too easy. the first 2 combo vechicles you get in the game are easily the best way to kill hordes of zombies. Zombies are nothing more than like annoying piles of paperwork in the office. I know there are other combo vechicles but why use those when I can have a armored car with a shotgun attached to it and blades on the side? Also, you can spawn combo cars from garages as well, making the game even more easy.

6. Boss fights. Now boss fights were the cool things in the Dead Rising series. Seeing a person go mad because of the zombie outbreak and having to fight them was a challenge, but when I can spawn in combo weapons like rabbits spawning kids, then what challenge is there? I fought the first boss only having to drink a orange juice once because of a certain combo weapon that I had spawned 2 more of out. I know in Dead Rising 2, there were some bosses that were hard and unfair but at least it provided a challenge for you to get stronger and get more combo weapons but here, it is pathetic.

7. Co-op. If I am able to beat this game in single player without dying or even getting close to dying, then what is the point of co-op? The game is far too easy and your character becomes a god of death so easily because of the insane combo weapons you can use, which clears zombies and bosses like nothing. So what is the point of co-op to a easy game? There is almost no reason to unless you wanted to play this game with a friend. Sure Dead Rising 2 had co-op but at least the bosses were hard enough for co-op. In fact, I died 5-7 times in Dead Rising 2 because of bosses. Now its just like riding a car with spikes all over it only to try run over a peanut couldn't open.

8. Food combo. Why must I level up and put an attribute to obtain food combos? Why not put blenders around the map like in Dead Rising 2? because food combos are the lifeline to this game. I know that you can make combo weapons now on the go but why food combos too? It makes the game even more easy. Food combos can give you more health squares than a jug of orange juice and it gives you a buff. So why not follow all the other Dead Rising examples and put blenders around the map to craft the food combos? I don't mean like a blender on every corner but like a blender or 2 in each area of the map. That would provide challenge and make the player want to run to it for a huge heal instead, I currently have 7 food combos around me with 6 combo weapons, all of which, I can't carry.

9. Optimization. The optimization and port of this game is a mess. It offers too little and expects players to have powerful rigs. I don't have a powerful computer so I have to try run it at the lowest settings and it still has issues with constant fps drops and random crashing. It is not a very enjoyable experience when ones computer cannot run it so well.

10. THE TIMERS! What happened to the timers from Dead Rising? Why did they disappear for the main story? The timers in Dead Rising gave you pressure if you wanted to complete the story, offering a challenge to do all of the side quest and boss fights in a timely manner. Now, the main story has no time limit and there is no pressure or motivation on the player to even complete the story. Side quest are the only ones with timers but usually it is quite easy to ignore since they only give PP, which is ok but it is also un-motivating to do more when the level up system is quite stupid in my opinion.

11. (last one) The story and characters. The story is very stereotypical and easy to catch on. The plot twist are easy to spot and know and it is quite dull. Characters are not bad but most I didn't care for. Nick Ramos, the main protaginist and player, is a nice guy who is trying to get out alive but is quite bland and is always worried about the number of zombies around him when he can create the most absurd and god-like weaponry I have seen, making me wonder why he is even afraid of zombies when he himself is like a noris god of death. Your co-op partner, ♥♥♥♥, is not very likable and is kind of a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ who is self-centered. Rhonda can be easily ignored. The only half-decent character is Annie, who you will meet in the start. She has her issues but is more interesting than the others, which is a lot to say for.

Now even with all of these obvious problems, there are some good things for Dead Rising 3.

1. Combo weapons. Even though the combo weapons can be spawned over and over from weapon lockers and are over-powered doesn't make them any less interesting. the combo weapons in Dead Rising 3 are cool to see and hilarous on how they can be crafted. Even though there are less combo weapons in Dead Rising 3 than Dead Rising 2, they are sometimes fun to use.

2. Outfits. Like in all Dead Rising games, you can dress up your character in whatever clothes you want him in and it is no different here. You can have Nick Ramos dress up in ridiculous costumes and outfits from other capcom games like Megaman or in a funny mascot outfit. It also carries over in cutscenes, creating hilarious and funny moments when people talk to Nick calmly while he is in a Banana Hammmock.

3. The map. The map is huge and breath-taking. Even though its not as charming as the mall in Dead Rising 2, it still shows what life is like now in the future and how expansive the map is.

Well, that about sums this review up about Dead Rising 3 for me. Overall, its not bad but it is definately not worth recommending at its price now and it shows how it has taken a bad turn since Dead Rising 2. I luckly got this game from a code my friend gave me so I feel a bit more satisfied with it being free but for $50, it is not worth it.
Évaluation publiée le 30 octobre 2014.
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