Rip TruckerShank63 2023-2024 Fly high
Actividad reciente
107 h registradas
última sesión: 15 ABR
3.903 h registradas
última sesión: 15 ABR
12,7 h registradas
última sesión: 8 ABR
󠀡󠀡 1 ABR a las 20:23 
you dropped 2 kills across 2 games. you are 2-0 down catch up
tdR 1 ABR a las 17:30 
i played u last night and rinsed the ♥♥♥♥ out of u, now you get your blatant cheater buddy to help you get to lighthouse. must be fun
Pizwah 19 ENE a las 15:32 
D2 cheater
prism 18 ENE a las 9:22 
biggest trashcan in pvp
Sloped Forehead Gang 15 ENE a las 19:40 
Playing with a blatant cheater and being Toxic on top of it. Really needs a full ban, Steam should take him down too.
Erneyjara 15 ENE a las 18:38 
cheater, report