Alex Swingle   Portland, Oregon, United States
My YouTube Channel:

Mostly board game and video game reviews with the occasional sillyness from my podcast, Rambling Pro Gamers.
Currently In-Game
Amarillo's Butt Slapper
Completionist Showcase
Rarest Achievement Showcase
Screenshot Showcase
Section 8: Prejudice
Review Showcase
Your mission; to choose one of three maid services and clean up the filth pouring into this world.
Welcome to the secret world of janitorial services.

The 'choose your character' gimmick is actually a very standard level up system for MMOs. Most of the skill points earned while leveling will be making mistakes as like other open skill choice systems, there are more bad decisions to make than good. The punishment of choice escalates the further you progress, effectively bricking characters as you learn about the game and adapt.

The puzzles are beyond obtuse. For example, no where in the game does it tell the player to kill themselves and enter ghost form to solve anything. How would you know if you play safe and don't die? So much dumb is included in the main story quests, let alone the side missions.

Voice acting is very good and I only stuck around to see how bad the puzzles got. The writing is hit and miss though. I screenshotted about 12 scenes where the dialogue was rhetorical and needless for the sake of being cool. I would have more if I continued doing after the second hour.

In case anyone thought a World Of Darkness MMO could be good, this game mirrors what that sort of game would be. Mostly flash, and a standard grind-a-thon MMO with heavy padding. I would loosely recommend this game when using a walkthrough. Without one, it's hell.
Games Where All Achievements Were Obtained
1. Loot Hero DX
2. Crush Crush (added impossible achievements, not going back)
3. Ironclad Tactics
4. Dead Effect
5. Masked Shooters 2
6. Last Hope TD
7. Blaze Rush
8. Island Defense (last 4 achievements are broken)
9. Global Ops: Commando Libya
10. The Incredible Adventures Of Van Helsing 1 (500k kills took 80 hours!)
11. Razortron 2000
12. Diorama Of Battle Ninja
13. Make It Indie!
14. Masked Forces
15. Mad Combat Marines
16. SweatShop
17. Chicken Assassin
18. Western Adventure
19. Piximinimalism
20. They Came From The Moon
21. Catacomb Explorers
22. Freebie
23. Space Beret
24. Voxelized
25. Starushko Lub
26. Moon Colonization Project
27. Tap Heroes (Takes 260 Hours Of Idling)
28. Go Away, There's Kumi Over There!
29. 8 Bit Bayonetta
30. UberMosh
31. SwarmRider
32. N0-Exit (Achievements Are Broken)
33. Space Codex
34. Your Friend Hanna
35. Tracks Of Triumph: Summertime
36. Rage Parking Simulator 2016
37. Crazy Fun - FootRock (Cheevos unlock on closing and all levels must be played one sitting)
38. Heaven Island - VR MMO
39. Aozora Meikyuu
40. Heroes In The Sky (HIS)
41. Evo Explorers (90 minutes)
42. Soup: The Game (5 minutes)
43. Pain Train (57 minute and three restarts)
44. Phantom Soldier (23 minutes and one restart)
45. Dungeon Creepster (20 minutes)
46. Dinosaur Hunt (35 minutes)
47. Machine Hunt (12 minutes)
48. Survival Zombies The Inverted Evolution (20 minutes)
49. Dinosaur Forest (18 minutes)
50. Space Ripper (3.5 hours)
51. Robot Legion Reborn (7 hours mostly luck, frustratingly unfair)
52. Spoids (4 hours, stage 5,6, and 8 were the hardest)
53. Crab Dub (36 minutes)
54. Aliens Attack In Space (not buying DLC locked achievements. 20 minutes of luck)
55. Dustoff Heli Rescue (3 Hours)
56. Snake Party (40 Minutes)
57. Zup! 3 (45 Minutes)
58. Zup! Zero (47 Minutes)
59. Zup! 1 (14 Minutes)
60. Zup! 2 (21 Minutes)
61. Zup! 4 (27 Minutes)
62. Totally Unbalanced (2 Minutes)
63. SQR (2 Hours)
64. Duke Nukem 3d Megaton Edition (14 hours with cheats)
65. Zombie Camp: Last Survivor (9 Painful Hours)
66. Torch Cave (3 hours slightly annoying due to double jump not often working)
67. CPU Invaders (40 Minutes)
68. Hydraulic Empires (12 hours, lotta grinding)
69. Jones On Fire (14 hours, painfully active 14 hours of grinding)
70. Pain Train 2 (70 minutes)
71. Sleengster (10 minutes)
72. Sleengster 2 (11 minutes)
73. Campaign Clicker (160 hours. 50 hours of paying attention to screen for one cheevo)
74. Arcane Raise (40 minutes to beat, 3 minutes to 100% bad)
75. Arcane PreRaise (15 minutes to beat, 4 minutes to 100% very bad)
76. Arcane ReRaise (20 minutes to beat, 2 minutes to 100% very bad)
77. SmashZombie (startup)
78. Hiiro (about 3 hours, boring but easy)
79. Defence To Death (90 minutes, bad but easy)
80. Deep Space Waifu (110 minutes, Easy)
81. Real 1942 (mash space bar for 7 minutes. terrible and easy)
82. Achievement Hunter: Overdose (3 hours of idling)
83. Drive By Hero (6 hours of autoclicking, 10 minutes of real game, Ez)
84. Zen Vs Zombie (5 hours, ezy and bad)
85. Sisters In Hotel (12 hours of idling) not too bad.
86. Trashville (6 hours of idling) bad
87. Cucumber Blues (Frustrating but easy, 40 minutes)
88. Crankies Workshop: Freebie (on start, easy)
89. LSD (type to 100%, 3 minutes)
90. Run Away (afk for 5 hours. bad visual novel)
91. SpaceShot (3.5 hours. Yet another Idle to 100%)
92. Fruit Sudoku (10 minutes, 4x4 Sudoku board. Not terrible)
93. Bitcoin Miner (90 minutes. An Idle Chiever game. bad)
94. Adventure Rage (100 minutes of idling. bad game)
95. Achievement Hunter: Begin (Idle to 100%, bad game, 2 hours)
96. ROMBY (3 hours. Requires luck to 100%, 2-3 hours Not terrible)
97. Survival Tycoon (A very tedious 2 hours. Not too bad)
98. Out For Blood (3 hours of idling. bad)
99. Ruthless Safari (18 minutes of left clicking, not terrible)
100. LA Soul (4 hours of idling. bad)
101. Family Cobweb (3 hours of idling)
102. Meltdown (30 hours of bland grinding, okay game, too long to 100%)
103. O'Fox Life (7 hours, required to idle at Main Menu, below average, now broken)
104. Epic PvP Castles (30 minutes, bad)
105. Player Unkn4wn Zombies (2 hours. bad)
106. Brutal Runner (4 hours, autoclicker recommended, not terrible)
107. Glass Masquerade (4 hours, easy, decent experience)
108. Free Bowling 3D (15 minutes, bad)
109. Immortal Heroes (25 minutes, bad clicker game)
110. Bio Soup (1 minute, cheevos unlock on exit of game. disable sound and not too bad)
111. Unlikely Stickman (2 hours. replay a stage 80 times to 100%, not bad)
112. Ballistik Attack (50 minutes. super easy tower defense, average)
113. Blood Feed (15 minutes, shoot to chieve, bad)
114. Bloody Glimpse (10 minutes, bad)
115. Sense Of The Devil (4 minutes, awful)
116. Red Wake Carnage (40 minutes. bad)
117. CEdges (On exit of game, not bad)
118. Dinosaur Hunt First Blood (10 minutes, bad)
119. ClickRaid (37 hours, decent. requires playing with someone who bought a supporter pack)
120. Achievement Hunter: Cromulent (2 hours, bad)
121. ZAP Master (on startup)
122. It's Village (4 hours of idling, had to restart a few times)
123. NVL (5 minutes, house of cheevos.)
124. Achievement Hunter: Extreme (idle for 3 hours. bad)
125. Shuttle Siege (3 hours of trial and error, okay)
126. King's Guard TD (8 hours, took awhile to correct upgrade mistakes)
127. Eggo (5 minutes, terribad)
128. Lost With Dinosaurs (1 hour of idling, not awful, still bad though)
129. Flow: The Sliding (1 minute, press all keyboard characters, bad)
130. Heaven Forest NIGHTS (40 minutes, casual looking around)
131. Heaven Forest VR MMO (20 minutes, casual looking around)
132. Snake: Road To Apple (7 hours of idling, bad)
133. Achievement Clicker 2018 (5000 clicks, 3 minutes, bad)
134. Achievement Clicker (5k clicks, 3 minutes, bad)
135. Feeding The Monster (idle for 3 hourss, okay)
136. Colony On Mars (1 hours, bad)
137. Achievement Hunter: Zombie 1
138. Achievement Hunter: Zombie 2
139. Achievement Hunter: Zombie 3
140. Achievement Hunter: Urban 2
141. Achievement Hunter: Thief
142. Achievement Hunter: Chef
143. Achievement Hunter: Gnom
144. Achievement Hunter: Alien
145. Achievement Hunter: Princess
146. Chille Peppers
147. Achievement Hunter: Scars
148. Achievement Hunter: Samurai
149. ASCII: Beggining
150. ASCII: Snake
151: ASCII: Maze
152. Trivia Vault: Baseball Trivia
153. Trivia Vault: Video Game Trivia Deluxe
154: Trivia Vault: 1980s Trivia
155. Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 2
156. Trivia Vault: Mini Mixed Trivia 4
157. ASCII Achievement Mania: Shooter
158. ASCII Pinball
159. ASCII Blocks
160. Mortifero Motus
161. Achievement Hunter: Kiborg
162. RollingBall: Unlimited World
163. Space Escape
164. Achievement Hunter: Darkness 2
165. Achievement Hunter: Darkness 1 (30 broken cheevos)
166. Achievement Hunter: Wizard (1 broken cheevo)
167. Achievement Hunter: Foxy
168. Achievement Hunter: Punk
169. Train Journey
170. Achievement Hunter: Pharoh (2 broken cheevos)
171. Achievement Hunter: Urban 1
172. Christmas Party
173. Achievement Hunter: Dogger
174. Math Speed Challenge
175. Math Problem Challenge
176. Digit Daze
177. Depth Siege Atlantis
178. Trivia Vault: Mixed Trivia
179. Pursuing Susie
180. Destination Dungeon: Crypts Of Warthallow (On exit)
181. The Art Of Knuckle Sandwich (On Exit)
182. Super Duper Flying Genocide 2017 (2 hours of painful play)
183. Kicking Kittens: Putin Saves The World (on exit)
184. Cludbugz's Twisted Magic (on exit)
185. Forbidden Clicker Party (17 hours of semi-idling, ez due to glitch)
186. Hitori (glitch allows repeating first stage to get all achievements 20 minutes)
187. Robo Encryption (walk backwards to 100%)
188. Fitzzle Mighty Bear (5k cheevos on exit)
189. Have A Sticker (beat 80 stages. about 30 minutes)
190. Fists Of Wrath (on exit)
191. QLORB (on exit)
192. Fairy Of The Treasur
Recent Activity
60 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
13.1 hrs on record
last played on Jan 15
6.8 hrs on record
last played on Jan 14
SixHealthOfFury Jul 18, 2023 @ 5:57pm 
I love her beyond words. I can't be mad when it was all a misunderstanding.
Deathcupcakex Jun 30, 2017 @ 9:37am 
Cripo Apr 9, 2017 @ 3:34am 
+rep, good guy gave me free games i had on my wishlist :-)
Critical Failure Aug 25, 2014 @ 7:24am 
You up for recording TCR soon? I want to get a new one out next monday. If you are up for it I could be up for recording as soon as tomorrow afternoon. Thanks.
DOOMKIDD Apr 22, 2014 @ 2:27am 
Thanks for all the help Alex!
Darabka Apr 21, 2014 @ 7:49pm 
Target Earth is really, the profile pic is cool. :TalProWarrior: