Shatbera ⚡
Luka   T'bilisi, Georgia
Nobody is perfect, im Nobody! ⚡

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byteframe's cat Sep 10, 2020 @ 1:57am 
Chris: 🐟 I 🌽 haven't 👽 been 🏀 this 🎄 confused 📘 since 📀 the 💃 ending 🐠 of 🥞 "No 🚘 Way 🌳 Out". 🎁 [Flashback 🏓 to 🐳 Chris 🥒 & 💄 Brian 🥗 coming 😺 out 🎽 of 🍖 a 🌏 theater 🚕 that's 🎍 showing ⚡ "No 🐊 Way 🌂 Out"] 🍇 Chris: 🌸 How 🍆 does 👃 Kevin ⛳ Costner 🎫 keep 🚙 getting 💛 work?