Brian Emerick   Chicago, Illinois, United States
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scotchboy 2014. jan. 11., 12:44 
I built myself a Hackintosh so I can dual boot windows and OSX Mavericks. It's pretty nice so I fired up my old Steam account and sort of got addicted to the sales. There were a few games I'd been meaning to play like Dishonred and Tomb Raider and I got them both for under $10. Microsoft can't or won't seem to compete with that. I don't know what multiplayer games we might share but we'll have to get together to game at some point. I'm still playing Mass Effect Multiplayer if you're ever interested in just running around in a horde game.

I hope your deep freeze ends soon. Stay well. I'm going to download Dishonered I think and give that a try.
Shadow_STM 2014. jan. 8., 9:22 
hey Scotch! Same to you buddy :) Good to hear from you. Really good!
scotchboy 2013. dec. 29., 12:08 
Hi Shadow. I'm not sure if comments is the same as send a message. But reply if you get this. Hope you had a safe and happy holiday.