Nina Mori {Route 16}   Ome, Tokyo, Japan

CarX Street






⠀    ⠀┌⠀ʟɪɴᴋ sᴇᴄᴛɪᴏɴ:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀        ┐

⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ 𝑩𝑷𝑻𝑭 [backpack.tf]⠀|⠀ 𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑨𝑴𝑹𝑬𝑷 [steamrep.com]⠀⠀|⠀ 𝑫𝑬𝑽𝑰𝑨𝑵𝑻𝑨𝑹𝑻 [pkzeno.deviantart.com]

⠀⠀     └⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀    ┘
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*DEAD* Ozzy : nice wall hacks mm8
*DEAD* A goose in an astronaut suit : There's a Sniping cunt
A goose in an astronaut suit : On the red team
A goose in an astronaut suit : I wonder who it is
A goose in an astronaut suit : Him and ole Big Booper
silentshot002 : do you mean zeno
*DEAD* Ozzy : ok yea pk ur hacking m8
*DEAD* Ozzy : stop hacking
*DEAD* Ozzy : stop hacking dude seriously
*DEAD* Ozzy : hacker
ᵖᴷ ◻️zeno◻ : I bumped yye on my way in
*DEAD* Ozzy : BRUH
*DEAD* YourPalHal : Wait what?
*DEAD* YourPalHal : You were behind a wall
Alex : I have a feeling Pk is a hacker
Gino : zeno's aimbotting
✪mobman2503 : zenoc is aimbotting
✪mobman2503 : zeno is aimbotting
*DEAD* ✪mobman2503 : probably
*DEAD* (G.E.W.P) Artichusky | =WL= : okay yea
(G.E.W.P) Artichusky | =WL= joined team SPECTATORS
CatKey22 : yeah he is it
CatKey22 : it's ov
*SPEC* (G.E.W.P) Artichusky | =WL= : yeah hes twitching
*DEAD* ✪mobman2503 : he is aimbotting
*DEAD* ✪mobman2503 : i reported him
✪mobman2503 : !votekick
Triple-Edged : good
(G.E.W.P) Artichusky | =WL= : he might not be
(G.E.W.P) Artichusky | =WL= : idk
Triple-Edged : !votekick
✪mobman2503 : !votemenu
(Voice) Gino: Go! Go! Go!
CatKey22 : he is it's ovi
Triple-Edged : !votemenu
*DEAD* ✪mobman2503 : hes so obvious just kick him
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : u a bitch
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : go fuck with friendlies somewhere else loser
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : we're all in a discord call and would love it if you could leave
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : or if your feeling like a ass stay and we might leave
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : wow
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : NICE SKILL!
ᵖᴷ zeno lisica : thanks
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : too bad so sad
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : i bet ur a cod fanboy
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : do you live in your moms basement and feed off your parents money? so sad
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : how many dicks u suck a day mate?
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : i bet UR MOM GAY
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : pleb
KGB T3ch Supp0rt : zeno u stupid XD
*DEAD* KGB T3ch Supp0rt : wow
nameisprince : Woah
nameisprince : A hacker.
nameisprince : I think?
nameisprince : Oh my god.
nameisprince : He is hacking.
nameisprince : Yeesh.
Napstablook : fes do u have wall hax???
ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : wall hax
Dinoking1001 : HAXS
Napstablook : dude u so hax mate
Dinoking1001 : HACKER
Dinoking1001 : fes u a hacker
*SPEC* ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : wall hax im spectating him
*SPEC* ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : you are a good sniper you dont need to hack
*SPEC* ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : what do you say ?
*SPEC* ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : anything?
fes : that moment when the tards think youre a hacker
Napstablook : wow
Dinoking1001 : dude you are
ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : i saw you wall hax spectate
fes : when a spy stands still in a corner and then calls hacks
Dinoking1001 : dude
fes : called spy checking
Napstablook : lol
Dinoking1001 : how did you see us from all the way at base
Dinoking1001 : hacker
ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : its fine we wont play your game
fes : You mean the scope?
Dinoking1001 : the momet the hacker says im not hacking
Napstablook : itshow come every time we sneek up on u, u are ready for us?
ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : i inspectid you its over
Dinoking1001 : but he really is
fes : Cause Im not deaf
Dinoking1001 : lol
Dinoking1001 : sure
Dinoking1001 : just like your mom
fes : thanks
fes : my mom is healthy
ŊŮƘƎ̿̌̌◊ĐŔǺĞƠǸ : bye
fes : K
presten705 : aimbot and wall
sable soldier : he do bodys
sable soldier : is not aimbot
sable soldier : or i think so
presten705 : its aim
presten705 : its aim
sable soldier : you are a profecional zeno
sable soldier : 2 is 1 for you
sable soldier : who win?
presten705 : me
presten705 : fuck you
zeno : When?
presten705 : gay
sable soldier : thats so ducking gay
zeno : Yea
zeno : fuck my ass daddy
presten705 : your gay
zeno : *youre
sable soldier : meme
presten705 : gay
sable soldier : waint he can fuck his self?
presten705 : fuck you
*DEAD* The Fallen Soldier : fine you can go drink bleach you peice of shit hacker go kill yourself
The Fallen Soldier left the game (Disconnect by user.)
[Ⱳ.ⱥ.Ɽ] Doge : ese aimbot papu
Hacker Aliens50 : what LMABOX
*DEAD* Doobie Hennep ॐ : fucking hacker
Kosmo : Oh wait he's actually hacking.
Doobie Hennep ॐ : zeno turn it off
Smithy The Blacksmith : i dislike you ._.
Kosmo : Don't worry, he's aimbotting, like the usual idiot he is.
*SPEC* Kosmo : Aimbotting AND Wallhacking.
*SPEC* Kosmo : I want to call an admin for this idiot.
*SPEC* Kosmo : Should I call an admin?
Kosmo left the game (Disconnect by user.)
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : jeez that guy finally left
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : he's been hackusationing me since I got here
SANS : hey i remember u
*DEAD* FuriousPixel : lol
MisterPixels : Who
SANS : zeno
FuriousPixel : pls no
SANS : he was that sniper thats really good who had wall hax
*DEAD* SANS : see
SANS : he knows where u r
SANS : because he hacks
SANS : he has highlights on us
SANS : so he knows where we r
SANS : best thing to do is just sit in base and not play his game
Levi_ApacheTime : Salty Much
SANS : no
SANS : just u guys have a hacker on your team
Levi_ApacheTime : i mean if you dont like playing with him then leave
SANS : nah
Levi_ApacheTime : simple as that
SANS : i was here first
SANS : well before him
Levi_ApacheTime : then stop gettin butthurt and play the damn game
SANS : nah
SANS : its not fair
Levi_ApacheTime : then take the stick out your ass
SANS : no
SANS : i like the stick
SANS : it feals good
Levi_ApacheTime : im sure you do
MisterPixels : I don think zeno is hacking <----This guys is a good guy
Levi_ApacheTime : frfr
SANS : well me and my bro played with him before
Levi_ApacheTime : ok and
MisterPixels : I killed him
SANS : and we cought him
SANS : i went spy
SANS : and clocked
Levi_ApacheTime : smh
MisterPixels : hm eh idk
SANS : and he pretended he didnt see me
SANS : and then right when i was about to sneak up on him and unclock pretty far away so he didnt see me, he turned around and got me
MisterPixels : Well than he has horrible aimbot <-----Hey not everyones perfect
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ killed SANS with bazaar_bargain. (crit)
*DEAD* SANS : wow
*SPEC* theofficalgamecube : why because hacks cant get through vacc shields
*SPEC* theofficalgamecube : ive been spectating u and you have been knowing people are there without seeing them
Kitxiu : we never said u were hacking
*SPEC* theofficalgamecube : your a gibbus
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : yea
*SPEC* theofficalgamecube : and you have 3000 hours
*SPEC* theofficalgamecube : how did you know that pyro was there zeno
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : I heard him
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : Im not deaf
*SPEC* theofficalgamecube : you herd his footsteps from all the way downstarts
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : Yea
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : water is loud
*SPEC* theofficalgamecube : water isnt that loud
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : it is
ᵖᴷ◻️zeno◻ : since grapes can kill me does that mean he's a hacker too???///?/ :o
Kitxiu : nah that would mean ur just a shitty hacker
theofficalgamecube : did you click 'verify'
Sausage Fingers : ok
*DEAD* The Drinkster : what
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schizophrenic gaming - Grupo público
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Competitive Cooldowns - Grupo público
You did too much damage to your teammates.
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Creado por - Shakkari
51 valoraciones
Glad to help you
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P-Stone Forever
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Classic Santa Cruz hand. Now - on your desktop. Leave a like and follow me on Steam to see more.
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Creado por - Pineaqple
How to make heroin step by step:
1.Obtain californica poppy leaves
2.Extract the chlorophyll
3.Mix in pot with lemon in boiling water
4.Draw off the green band of chlorophyll at the top
5.Mix with cyanocobalamin
6.Reduce to paste
7.Add biotin
8.Add chocolatias zapatas
9.Add sodium
10.Filter with charcoal and purify with volcano water
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7.033 horas jugadas
I love playing tf2
Ares 22 SEP a las 20:09 
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little boy called Joey, he was ten-years-old and he lived in a mental hospital because he posted a crappy copypasta onto a People Playground mod's comment section . He got so bad he went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the Feds decided that best idea was to get rid of him so they set up a special room to kill him, as inhumane as possible. And he sat there in agony for hours until he died. Now every week on the day of his death he returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00 a.m. He creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by pegging you and watching you bleed to death. Now send this to ten other profiles on this one site, and he will haunt someone else who doesn't. This isn't fake. apparently if u copy and paste this to ten comments in the next ten minutes nothing will happen: sorry man i am not taking the risk
zarah 26 AGO a las 22:04 
ameli 22 ABR a las 7:41 
hello interested in vfb+ss menpo and added to discuss
a 16 OCT 2023 a las 9:50 
added for trade discussion
Valiance 17 SEP 2023 a las 19:59 
wish we could exterminate them from this planet
.zeno! 17 SEP 2023 a las 17:42 
these bots are getting dumber and dumber