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32件中 11-20 を表示
総プレイ時間:2.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:2.2時間)
Highly recommend trying this collection of horror-themed games. A total of five games, each with their a play time of around 5-20 minutes, introduces the player to interesting narratives exploring dystopian, sci-fi horror genre. Personally, I enjoy all of them, with Carbon Steel and Tartarus Engine being my favourites: the former enraptured me with its employment of an intriguing laboratory environment complete with various tools to aid one in dealing with an unknown, rancorous species and the latter I enjoyed purely for the plot! Each of these short games I feel like could be expounded further, making impacting additions to the genre!

I really wish more people to enjoy these games.
投稿日 2023年9月23日.
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A giant Terminal Lady offered me a sandwich, and it asked me if I thought it was a sandwich. Such existential philosophy.
投稿日 2023年8月26日.
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総プレイ時間:2.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.5時間)
Deadlink is much inspired by DOOM given its playstyle involving fast-paced action with weapon combos and grappling kills to replenish shields and ammo. Your primary weapon contains unlimited ammo but must be reloaded while your secondary requires ammo found after performing executions. (Killing a marked/scrambled enemy doesn't consume ammo, suggesting a way to avoid reloading). Interestingly, there is a rogue-like element within the game: after every match, you have the option to enhance or change your stats and weapons. At the very end of the level, a boss is present, though the prologue only contains one boss which I had fun meleeing and grappling.

The voice acting is pretty good (though it's mainly in Japanese). Highly recommend if you're interested in what is said so far.
投稿日 2023年7月30日.
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総プレイ時間:96.0時間 (レビュー投稿時点:81.4時間)
This Review is without Spoilers.

Virgo Versus The Zodiac is a sci-fi fantasy JRPG featuring titular character Virgo and her quest to return the Golden Age to the galaxy. The story's background is as follows: The Rulers (e.g. Mars, Mercury, etc), who ruled after planets and its domains of their namesake, were leaders of the Golden Age, an epoch that featured peace and prosperity, and complete alignment of all the constellations as one for the greater good. Travel between these domains was swift and unfettered, and no internal conflicts were tolerated in their respective domains. However, it is due to this overwhelming authority of the Rulers that had incited mutinies within the Zodiac-Realms. Those who rallied against these authority figures were said to be harshly punished and confined to the Astrological Prison.

Present time:
The Rulers have been absolved of their major powers with their descendants, the Zodiacs, ruling of their respective domains. The constellations are unaligned, some Zodiacs are within conflict with one another, etc. Here Virgo, The Holy Queen (Or "The Dreadful Queen" as said by heretics) seeks to restore the Golden Age by collecting all 12 Zodiac crowns, symbols of power that give authority and right to rule over the respective realms. The game features different endings, based on your choices. You primarily control Virgo with others joining at a later time as they visit these realms and confront the Zodiacs and their stars (being created by Zodiacs, and found in the respective constellations).

This is a turn-based game where each member attacks in a specific order. Depending on the amount of Purity (A defensive health bar) a character has, they can ward off damage as it doesn't strike their actual HP. Counter-attacks are rewarded for having Purity prior to taking damage making for some really neat combos, however, this mechanic works for bosses and enemies as well. There are few points in a game where enemies will appear with Purity which would deter the player from attacking first. The amount of Purity decrease within every turn the unit has.

Stats, weapons, etc:
The game comes with a variety of weapons which affect your stats: Ambition affects Cardinal damage and Purity, Patience affects Fixed Damage and Hearts , Versatility, Mutability, Density, Hearts, and Cuteness (I don't know what this last attribute contributes too, but it measures huggability). Each state has an effect in a certain area: Patience affects Ambition affects Cardinal Damage and Purity; Versatility affects Mutable Damage while affecting both Purity and Hearts; Density is CRIT rate, and Hearts is HP. This information insinuates that there are weaknesses and strengths to enemies in each type, usually given by a colour scheme; Mutable enemies are green, Patient enemies are red, and Ambitious enemies are purple. Mutable enemies are weak to Cardinal damage, Patient/Fixed enemies are weak to Mutable damage, and Cardinal enemies are weak to Fixed damage. It's good to note that engaging with these enemies will level your character, increasing your stats in these areas (limit being 999 points). If you feel like grinding for this, you are welcome to in Black Hole Sections or by eating a ton of stat boosting items.

Accompanying these stat types are effects weapons can bestow: some weapons can set an enemy on fire, poison, stun, or vanish, etc. Some effects like poison and burn can be stacked, but not on each other; poisoning an enemy with fire will remove the poison effect and vice versa. Some enemies and weapons can stun an opponent or prevent one from counter attacking regardless of how much Purity they have. Of course, some weapons have cooldowns which decrease depending on how many turns the unit has taken until the weapon is accessible again.

All attacks and defenses are timed. Prior to attacking, a quick-time like event will let you know when it is appropriate to attack for extra damage or, in the case of dense, halving the damage taken from an attack. In these scenarios, simply mash the associated key within the highlighted region. These events can be affected by stats such as speed which makes the window of opportunity smaller if you lose speed or bigger upon gaining speed (if I am not mistaken). This is where one must be cautious, unless you have eaten a ton of Pomelo seeds, you will suffer attacks from lower level enemies that can wipe out your team. It is safe to be on guard on every encounter.

I've played this game at least 4 or 5 times now, and still have fun with it. The music is highly enjoyable, as I had anticipated from Elektrobear who worked on other games such as those in the Momodora Series. My favourite are Coolists, Sacrilegious Beasts, The Fire Moth, The Time Keeper, and Willow Hoop. I could've just said nearly the entire album.

There are few things I didn't really like such as not being able to visit all the lands of the Zodiacs or meeting many of the Rulers, haha. There's also the game's progression and no backtracking, which means you have to make your choices carefully and collect items in regions as soon as you get them as they may not appear again.

I loved the game from the start to finish and highly recommend it.
投稿日 2023年1月27日. 最終更新日 2023年1月27日
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Honestly, I got to laugh, cry, watch someone fall in love and at the same time saw a rose bud deflowered before its bloom. An epic tragedy of a villain who was dealt a bad hand by a wretched god from the moment of birth, witness as this soul give into macabre desires as the callous world suffocates his innocence. This story is about a downfall of Potato Man, the Icarus who flew too close to the rosy fingered horizon of love only to have his winged heart scorched asunder. A must play.
投稿日 2022年5月17日. 最終更新日 2022年5月18日
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総プレイ時間:558.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:300.5時間)
I am a certified Angela Simp.

Edit: Carmen did nothing wrong.
投稿日 2021年11月24日. 最終更新日 2021年11月30日
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総プレイ時間:7.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.3時間)
10/10, Made me feel like a true anime male protagonist.
投稿日 2020年5月23日.
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総プレイ時間:28.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:15.8時間)
Hello fellow gamers,

Minoria is claimed to be a "spiritual sequel" to Reverie Under The Moonlight as the fifth installment of the Momodora Series. Minoria's story places itself during the Fourth Witch War, a war fought between two primary factions: a religious order known as the Sacred Office and the heretical witches. The protagonists of the story, a devout priestess and a fellow acolyte, are tasked with the duty of engaging in an inquisition that involves purging a kingdom which has fallen into iniquity due to ceremonial witchcraft.

The story shares similar elements with previous installments in the Momodora series that I had played (i.e. Momodora 3 and Reverie Under The Moonlight). These elements commonly feature a female protagonist of Koho descent hailing from a religious background (e.g. being a priestess) who sets off on a journey vanquishing practitioners of the mystical arts, a common staple of the Momodora series. While I believe those games had a sense of linearity- and this is no way in shape or form a demeaning characteristic in the Momodora series- Minoria was taken in another direction. Though Minoira kept the elements of having a religious female protagonist, the game had presented a new character separate of the Koho lineage accompanied with a change in atmosphere and expanded upon Momodora's lore.

Expounding on what I meant by linearity, the two Momodora games are to be used as examples. There was a formula that was fostered where you were the silent hero of your journey and were tasked to cripple the major antagonist. This was usually done with little to no background information upon the antagonist and the reason for their intents, as well as no information of the order that tasked you. Momodora 3 had strong evidence of such just from the very plot of the story, with one exception. Spoilers For Nerds Who Haven't Played. [spoilers]If you have played the game, then there it is likely you had encountered the entity Haegok. Upon vanquishing him, Kaho remarks how she felt that the her prayers were strengthening the entity leading to the question of the connection between the acclaimed deities that the Koho worship and Haegok. However she shook the idea off in fear of heretical thoughts. That remark allowed us to see inside mind of the character at that instant and in my opinion increased the potential of lore.[/spoiler]

I understand that Momodora 3 was one of the earlier installments of the franchise, I do not intend to place the game in a negative light. Rather, I take it to see that one of my favorite game series evolves in story telling as it progresses.

Reverie Under The Moonlight followed a similar fashion. Though it offered lore of some of the characters and places via the items, it contained the formula of crippling the antagonist and you win. Again, not saying this is a bad thing. It had failed to question the intents or reason as to why the queen of Karst had fallen to witchcraft. However it is mentioned that the Lubella Dim (The Immortal Witch of Decay) had intentions of usurping the queen in the manual. It isn't certain if the Queen was cursed by Lubella or the Queen had fallen prey out of her own desire. If the latter is true, then it raise the questions as to why.

You could say that Momodora 3 and Reverie Under The Moonlight contain priestesses who are devout to their homeland's beliefs. This would explain that regardless of what Kaho had thought, she still adhered to her land's faith, something mentioned by Rdein if I remember correctly.

Minoira changes this by offering a bit more clarity. As aforementioned, the Sacred Order is one of the major entities participating in the Fourth Witch War. Not only are we given a title of who tasked the protagonist but as you venture in the game you will encounter notes that elucidate the lore of both factions (Sacred Order and the witches), intents and reasons, and more. It even loosely connects the events of its predecessor Reverie Under The Moonlight with an introduction of a new character, someone with affiliation with witches. Albeit not all is explained hence some characters and their intents are left in the dark due little information such as the mentioned-new-character. I believe this was to influence the decision of the player of who they believe is in the right or wrong, something which the previous games I played had little of.

I think Rdein did an excellent job expanding the lore. As you could tell, it's one of the main features that allows me to enjoy this series.

Aside from the lore and characters, Minoria shares similarities in game mechanics. The attack mechanic is more or less similar to that of Reverie's, a 3-hit combo. The dodge mechanic is pretty much the same as well with the difference that it is now paired with a defense which initiates a counter attack for certain enemies. So far he kept one of the things that players praised Reverie Under The Moonlight for. In addition, Rdein has also kept in my the rewards for those who manage to beat a boss without taking damage- which I highly favor. The only things I could find different is the art direction and the newly added leveling system. I was initially a bit uncomfortable with the way it looked initially since I was so used to seeing the pixel aesthetic, but it had grown on me later with continued exposure. I honestly don't mind where he takes his art style as long as he keeps the beautiful world he has created.

The downsides to this game is that it's relatively short like much of the games in the Momodora series. I usually make up for this by determining its replay value, which I see this having personally. Another downside is that the option for difficulty is not apparent. There
is new game+ that promises to increase difficulty by increasing enemy output damage, however this easily overshadowed by the new leveling system. Like with any game, the leveling system gives your character points for killing enemies. Already achieving the max level 99, I face the dilemma of killing the initial bosses under 10 hits.

I know that I could just replay the game from the beginning, but I don't want to.

+Good evolution in story telling and lore expansion
+Still held onto mechanics that made Reverie Under The Moonlight regarding attacks.
+New Art Direction and level system ain't much of a buzz kill.
+Defense is good. I like being able to counter.
-Too short.
-Not mentioned, but didn't evoke the same feelings I had for Reverie.

I honestly would recommend playing Minoira and the previous titles (even though they aren't directly tied to Minoira).

Haha, yes.

Thank you for reading fellow gamer.
投稿日 2019年8月30日. 最終更新日 2019年12月30日
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総プレイ時間:6.2時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.5時間)
BOOR is a very nice casual puzzle game with a neat soundtrack. Aside from the obvious, the game doesn't really have much going for it besides the story line.
投稿日 2019年6月29日.
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総プレイ時間:12.4時間 (レビュー投稿時点:12.2時間)
I am a master at poetry now due to this game. I would recommend.
投稿日 2017年11月29日.
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32件中 11-20 を表示