
Käyttäjän Dont Worry viimeaikaiset arvostelut

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4 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 175.3 tuntia (68.0 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
This game is amazing, will get back to fully reviewing it later
Julkaistu 5. syyskuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
8 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 40.9 tuntia (37.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeros is my first ever MGS game, and i gotta say that i was engaged in the game and its story immediately, due to the quality of the story telling , and the strong presentation of each mission in this game, leaving you with an exciting feeling, and an adrenaline boost before the start of any mission.

There's only little story to this game though, which is in the main mission ( Ground Zeros ), and you could finish it in less than 20 minutes. Even though i'm new to the franchise, i still finished the game in less than 20 minutes, which leads me to my next point, the lack of the main story, which is really disappointing. I am not talking about the content of the game itself, because the game is very rich in content, since you can play various missions, including rescuing Kojima himself, assassinations, and playing as the mighty Raiden ( yes, he's mighty, screw the haters ), but i still wish the main story was just a little bit longer.

Overall, i will conclude my review with some of the pros and cons based on my personal experience with the game:


- Amazing optimization, almost flawless, constant 60 FPS with everything maxed out ( please don't envy me ).
- Challenging enemy AI, their movements, response to suspicious movments, observation of the environment is almost perfect, leaving you with a since of challenge, and a satisfying feeling once you go past them.
- Great storytelling, voice acting, cutscenes, basically a very promising story to the full game, The Phantom Pain.
- Lovable characters ( oh really?), yes, i'm yet to find a dull or a disappointing character in this game, maybe because it's short, but that's what it is.
- There's more, literally, everything in the game is awesome.


- Lack of story based missions ( they should've called this a demo, yep, that controversy again).


A perfect 10 out of 10.

It's clear that this is just the begining of something amazing to come, which is The Phantom Pain, so don't take this review as a review for the whole MGS franchise, or The Phantom Pain, it's basically a review of a demo, a prolouge that should've been free, but oh well, it's still worth your time and money, and it will help you to get to know the controls and the mechanics of the full game, The Phantom Pain, Plus, you can upload your save files from this game ( Ground Zeros ) to the full game ( The Phantom Pain ) which will unlock some cool stuff!

REVIEW SUMMARY ( if you're lazy to read ):

It's pretty good.
Julkaistu 9. heinäkuuta 2015 Viimeksi muokattu 18. heinäkuuta 2017.
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
12 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 13.8 tuntia (12.8 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Thief, where do i start with this ?
seeing the trailers of this game made me a little bit excited but at the same time i was skeptical since i haven't played any of the other Thief games, but then i found a great deal of this game on Gamecards website and i decided to take my chances and buy it.

The game starts with you, Garret, the master thief, in a house full of loot and a drunk man laying on bed, u sneak around and you steal any shiny stuff, at the begining of this game i didn't think it will be that exciting to try and find each and every collectable, but as soon as Chapter 2 started, i fell in love with this game.

The atmosphere this game creates is unlike any other, and the sound of your heartbeats pounding as a guard approaches is one of the amazing things about this game, it's the perfection of sound effects that gets you in the game and makes you wanna play more.

I haven't finished the game yet, but the missions i played were awesome, stealth games just got a new reboot for me with this game, and what i really like is that the games rewards you based on your play style, wether you were a predator, a ghost or an oppurtunist, your rewards will be based on that, and you will get more if you were a ghost, which really motivates you to play the game the way you should, as a GHOST!

At the end of the day, each game has its pros and cons, and the cons of this game were:
- You have to make your way inside any home by opening a window, which is a silly way to make loading screens
- Enemy AI can be stupid at times, detecting you from a distance and sometimes they don't see you even if you become very close to them
- Some tools were useless, as some arrows require more than 3 shots to kill a target

But afterall, i'm really enjoying the game and will soon finish it, and hope you try it as well :)


9 OUT OF 10
Julkaistu 10. maaliskuuta 2014
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
14 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
yhteensä 0.9 tuntia (0.9 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
Every year a new Call Of Duty game comes out and me and a lot of other people buy it just because we blindly trust this franchise to be the best FPS game.

I was very skeptical about getting this game after seeing some videos of the gameplay, But silly me, I WAS STUPID ENOUGH TO BUY THE DIGITAL DELUXE EDITION!

Massive launch issues, horrendous amount of bugs and issues with the game, and the copy paste from the other games is really obvious this time.

Do PC gamers get any benefit from having such great specs ? HELL NO, infinity ward poops on all of us PC gamers with them not giving a single FU*CK about the issues in the game, and the game isn't looking any better from the previous COD games, this game is a shame that it is considered as a next gen game!

Bottom line, COD is now in an unenviable situation after their promises to bring a new different FPS game.

Biggest disappointment of 2013..

4 out of 10
Julkaistu 7. marraskuuta 2013
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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