Emu Legs   Australia
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Odehráno 16,1 hodin
Game is VERY fun but hard, Try to play it on the intended difficulty, it will be hard but really fun
Also just play the demo if you are unsure ^_^

PS: Dev has said that Coop is on the todo list...
CynicalFiction před 17 hodinami 
Worst shield op OCE.
(level19)sonkeykong 13. led. 2020 v 2.03 
+rep epic
Prefyre 10. pro. 2019 v 13.12 
+rep amazing teacher, with cool attitude
jetbro1122334455 5. pro. 2019 v 22.34 
Level 69, Nice
setsuki 16. čvc. 2019 v 9.57 
+rep somehow makes dumb strats work
Bongzy 2. čvn. 2019 v 1.03