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32.4 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
'The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe' is a game about a man named Stanley who rediscovers that all of his coworkers are gone. With the 'Ultra Deluxe' edition, Stanley manages to get even further down into the rabbit hole that's the 'The Stanley Parable'; With a stunning narrative and the illusion of choice in the back, the adventure continues again.

My thought is that 'The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe' isn't just about giving 'The Stanley Parable' a fresh spin. It's about reliving old memories while enhancing the story in further depth. Playing the 'Deluxe Edition' let me feel like 16 again. Find a new ending here, another twist there, sitting in disbelief after seeing a complete overhaul of some ends. Ends that have put a smile on my face in the past and did it again this time.

To have 'The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe' be in the Unity engine did it well. From the perfect sound design to stunning graphics that gave me this old feeling back. Enter a bright light to find all the old memories to go through. Look into the distance with beautiful music running in the background. A skybox that made you believe that you are there, in that current moment. I had tears in my eyes on many occasions. Rest in peace Little Stanley.

Finding out what lies behind the 'The Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe' was astonishing; Walking through a clean office, entering the gigantic expo building. Seeing the new side while reliving the old times. Stunning artworks and little details everywhere. Carpet textures that stood out the test of time.

You have to play it yourself to enjoy every moment. See what you haven't seen before. Find the secrets of the game, find the secrets of much more.

Of course, there isn't only good. Some moments aren't as refined as they could have been. Visual bugs that seem overlooked, some narratives that suddenly change in quality, but all of these points are negligible at that current moment. They can give you a chuckle or throw you back to 'The Stanley Parable' without breaking up the flow.

The developers have given everything to make 'TSPUD' as enjoyable as it turned out to be. There are a lot of great people in the community. The devs, the moderators, and the users in the Crowsx3 Discord server have given everyone a place to gather and have fun together. People joined and came together to do things as a community. People did stuff together like the recent Reddit r/place where everyone fought until the last pixel to create art as a community, not just because they waited for 'TSPUD'; but because the Crowsx3 developer team gave everyone the possibility to come together, for all of their stunning games. Much love goes out to the community and the great people within it.

I advise everyone to buy 'TSPUD'. To try it out for themselves and enjoy the moments to the fullest, explore and find things on their own.
Posted May 2, 2022. Last edited May 2, 2022.
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