John Helldiver 🫡
No   Netherlands
i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls i am in your walls
A feeling of resonant connection with an author or artist you’ll never meet, who may have lived centuries ago and thousands of kilometers away but can still get inside your head.
總時數 182 小時
最後執行於 4 月 23 日
成就進度   34 / 38
總時數 199 小時
最後執行於 4 月 23 日
總時數 194 小時
最後執行於 4 月 19 日
成就進度   23 / 38
John Helldiver 🫡 3 月 3 日 下午 1:23 
Ireland is ok but too much terrorism in my opinion
particles 2023 年 5 月 12 日 下午 8:24 
Hey man you forgot to log out of fortnite during our epic lan party last week, hope you dont mind but i used all your vbucks to level up your inventory, your building game was pretty weak your gonna have to step it up if you wanna stay on our team
Ward 2023 年 4 月 17 日 下午 7:08 
acabo de leer tu opinion sobre el juego "watch dogs 2" y me ha encantado su historia. eres un padre genial!
Tacitus Kilgore 2022 年 11 月 21 日 下午 4:57 
Signed by Lucas1515
particles 2022 年 9 月 28 日 下午 8:28 
mega loser sits on gmod servers and cries when someone has fun "aNy StAfF oNlInE i NeEd To DeMoNsTrAtE hOw SmAlL mY ♥♥♥♥ iS bY rEcItInG tHe EnTiRe RuLe BoOk!!11!" lmao you literal tattle tale child bro go back to elementary and figure out how to grow up you manlet
particles 2022 年 8 月 26 日 上午 12:39 
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If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
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