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Publisert: 15. nov. 2021 kl. 14.21
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Calluna is only the third game I’ve accepted through Steam Curator Connect. The reason? It looked different to the usual games I see or play, and it had a rather unique/niche theme. It looked like a simple and pleasant way to learn about things I likely wouldn’t have learnt about via any other medium. I can’t imagine I would have watched a documentary or read a book or even a Wikipedia page about the life and experiences of Norwegian composer and violinist, Ole Bull.


As a game, Calluna is short and simple, having taken me around 2.5 hours to finish, although I did accidentally skip some tasks in the first chapter. I feel I made up for that skipped time while searching for some milk later in the game though. You begin as young Ole Bull, running simple errands while learning about the area and time he grew up in. You spend the rest of the game exploring and ticking off various tasks throughout various key points in Bull’s life, learning more about Ole Bull, alongside different historical and cultural aspects.


The graphical style is rather unique and pleasing to the eye, and there are nine different visual effects to play around with, including retro, black and white, grain, and old brown. I loved some of the added details too, particularly the works of art to spot in different locations. The musical accompaniments throughout the game, changing with setting and helping set the mood, really added to the whole experience.

There were some extra features in the game too, expanding on some of the tasks, like finding additional items to those required for the basic story progression, but there’s not really any need or reason to find most of the extras, although that may change once achievements are added.


While I liked the idea of the unique theme of Calluna prior to playing, I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect, and I had no idea whether I’d actually enjoy it or not. Fortunately, I really enjoyed it and, as I mentioned already, I doubt I would have learnt anything about Ole Bull through any other medium, so Calluna has certainly succeeded in that area! There was only one time I got a little annoyed and that was a particular task involving milk, mostly because it was right where I thought it was all along and I just kept missing it, so I don’t think I can blame the game for that!

If you want a short and chilled gaming session, and/or fancy learning some new things, I would certainly recommend giving Calluna a try.

For more reviews follow Gawain Games Curator Page!
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