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Puar.. 18.4.2021 klo 9.34 
Guacamole has gone brown?
Ducky 10.9.2016 klo 16.30 
Thank you for everything Luke. you're a fantastic bloke :)
jay el guapo 4.7.2015 klo 9.27 
Luke! We met at the MTG last weekend. I was with my little brother. He always asks about "the funny guy on the play mat". I asked you for an autograph but you said "go away kid im busy". You lost a fan.
jay el guapo 4.7.2015 klo 9.15 
└( ° ͜ʖ͡°)┐Born too late to explore the Earth, born too soon to explore the Galaxy. Born just in time to post DANK ℳℰℳℰS └( ° ͜ʖ͡°)┐
timothy.larder2013 30.3.2015 klo 8.06 
goku take my energy
Ducky 15.8.2014 klo 8.45 
"Flors" AkA "florist" is an amazing gentleman :Rubber_Duck: