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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3,416.2 hrs on record (2,219.5 hrs at review time)
Posted: Mar 30, 2020 @ 7:20am

So as a Diamond player barley touching the edge of champion I would like to clear the air for people beginning this game. The game is a ♥♥♥♥ ton of fun, specially with friends. Most of the people disliking this game are not into FPS or very competitive games as this one is. And you can trust me on that too. Now if you play this game alone its going to suck, suck very bad. Specially for new players just starting out as golds or even lower. People can become very toxic in the low ranks even the high ranks but its the internet what can you expect. The in game play is fair. Now im saying fair because every game has room for improvement. You'll notice at times that you get very out played by a player that is super bad or even super good. Reason to this is that your computer has to be good too. You cant be getting mad if someone quick peeks you and you didnt even see them while youre on a 60Hz monitor. But that will not be a downfall to how you play i got plat 1 on a 60HZ monitor when i played so its totally possible. The game is a blast and i welcome all the new people to atleast try siege out. There will be people that call you a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ or make you feel bad about yourself ignore them and improve. Practice makes perfect im looking forward to seeing you all in ranked. <3
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