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投稿日: 2015年5月24日 17時29分

I taught myself how to program using Game Maker 5 when I was in fourth grade. Now I am a professional programmer and I still use Game Maker to this day.

Game Maker is a development tool that has a wide range of possibilities. You can make just about any game that the SNES could play, and many that PS1-era games could play as well. However, I've found that this kit is good for making educational apps, data sorting software, and plenty of other possibilities open up when you just apply some creativity and hard work.

To anybody just getting into programming: try out Game Maker Studio for free and make 100 bad games on it. It's the quickest way to learn. Once you know plenty of tricks and methods of doing things wrong, start putting a lot of effort into making a good game. Conquer obstacles including (but not limited to): technical difficulties, struggles with programming logic, your own development fatigue. GMS is a safe environment to learn how to deal with all of these issues and becomes a trusted companion throughout your Game Developing Career.

I couldn't recommend this software more.
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5 件のコメント
Raye 2016年10月19日 13時12分 
Pretty inspiring to hear that you have used this since 4th grade, and have so many hours put in to it. I'm just getting started from the very bottom and likely have a lot to learn, but seeing other people have fun and enjoy what they do and be so passionate makes me want to have a go at it too.
Dunkelschwamm 2015年10月4日 10時16分 
I literally use it for my full time job.
Guull 2015年10月3日 15時02分 
10k hours? Well done.
spicy brainz 2015年9月29日 15時26分 

(and wow 10,000 hours?)
boyannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn 2015年9月20日 10時09分 
Hey, I have absolutely no experience with programming and coding but I want to get into it. Currently the pro version and the android export are in a bundle of humblebundle.com for 12 dollars. Do you think I should buy it and will it help me ?