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게시 일시: 2015년 10월 10일 오전 2시 14분
업데이트됨: 2015년 10월 12일 오전 2시 36분

It's a Platinum action game so of course the combat is incredibly fun. There are loads of weapons for you to toy with on top of different characters to play. It's feels so good to hear the destruction in combat and watch the action unfold.

It's short for one playthrough (about 5 hours or less?) BUT the replayability reminds me of Viewtiful Joe. While short, you will want to keep getting better and better at the game to improve your rank. Even if you don't improve too much, it's still fun to beat up a bunch of robots in this manner. At the same time, you are upgrading yourself in the process (in this case, weapons and stats) and making the next playthrough that much better.

If you played a lot of Viewtiful Joe, you might scratch an itch with this game. It's a feeling I haven't felt since that game.

EDIT: Unlocked Magnus difficulty and yep, the game gets really interesting at this point. Well worth multiple playthroughs.
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Deejay Bruce 2015년 10월 10일 오후 12시 31분 
I wish they'd release Viewtiful Joe on PC.