Daniel   United States
Pronounced: Day-oh-wolf
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10.6 Hours played
Gris is a phenomenal game, and perhaps even a defining piece in the "Emotional Exploration" and/or Eudaimonic gaming genres. The visual art style is highly evocative, and, paired with the soundscape of the game, invites the player into an examination of self, even as they play.

I played through this game twice before going back a third time to complete all the Steam achievements, and I can say with confidence that each play-through offered me a new experience and a new appreciation for the game due to the changes that had occurred within me between each run. It is largely a serene, almost meditative, gaming experience occasionally punctuated by moments of tension that are married beautifully to the emotional development of the main character.

All-in-all, Gris is a story of healing. In this case, healing from grief, and it travels through the complex stages of that process very well. Personally, I think this game has the potential to even help in one's own healing process, and may be translatable into healing from more than just the loss of a loved one.

20/10 Would recommend. This game reminds us that there is beauty in all things, and that a well-made game is a work of art.
Favorite Guide
Created by - Daowulf
This guide was made in response to my own request for a guide to beating Falle (Survival Mode) in Kingdoms and Castles. It is written from my own experience and is designed to help players new to this game mode in achieving victory. The contents of this gu
Discussion Posts by Daowulf:
Trying to get my thoughts out there on some of my favorite games! If you have an interest, please take a moment read them and tell my what you think!

New Wingspan DLC - Audubon Cosmetic Collection?: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1054490/discussions/0/4036980006272284203/
"Aviary View" for the Birds Tab in Wingspan: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1054490/discussions/0/4633736978453514803/

Cell to Singularity - Evolution Never Ends
New Late Game Content for Endgame Players: https://steamcommunity.com/app/977400/discussions/0/7221029098488712555/

Dead by Daylight
Additional Game Modes for DbD: https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/5/3492004456604896193/
Rebalancing Overhaul: https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/5/3426698343830782373/
Crimson Peak DLC: https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/5/3469478215315504849/
Crawling Back into the Meta: https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/0/3426697823607563501/
Suggestion: New Survivors: https://steamcommunity.com/app/381210/discussions/5/1644292549020164510/

Kind Words
A Few Ideas for Kind Words: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1070710/discussions/0/3453716776425669735/
Kind Words Steam Achievements: https://steamcommunity.com/app/1070710/discussions/0/3446961485747431745/

Kingdoms & Castles
Additional Research Features for Kingdoms & Castles:
Survival Mode Guide: From Getting Started to Your Inevitable Demise (Request): (Answered)

Bloons TD6
New Paragon Idea: Banana Farm ---> Monkey Business: https://steamcommunity.com/app/960090/discussions/0/3810660545998763374/
Monkey Knowledge Idea: Targeting Golden Bloons: https://steamcommunity.com/app/960090/discussions/0/3810660545998782631/

Steam Replay Archives
Steam Replay 2022: https://s.team/y22/chpcfjrw?l=english
Steam Replay 2023: https://s.team/y23/chpcfjrw?l=english
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Daowulf Sep 7, 2022 @ 11:59pm 
:thetrap: Looking for friends to play survivor in Dead by Daylight with (or against)! Let me know if you'd be interested! :thehook:
SoFrankly Jun 14, 2018 @ 12:13pm 
I have not found anything like Crimson Skies yet.