Chewie Melismatic
Chewie   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
:2014rhythm::SocialPolicy::sr4sunglasses::d2naturesprophet: :sans: :celeste_cassette::d2axe::d2rubick:
Currently In-Game
Sid Meier's Civilization VI
Review Showcase
56 Hours played
Top tips:
1) Write everything down in a notebook. Conversations, weird happenings, things you think don't make sense. It'll all be useful later.
3) The first 2-3 hours are straight puzzling fun. Once you're past that, all bets are off, so keep going if you're a little underwhelmed by the puzzles.

Most puzzle games have a special mechanic - the game then builds on this, introducing new mechanics, twists on the formula, until you finish all the puzzles and have mastered that type of puzzle.

Void Stranger does exactly that - then asks you to use those same mechanics to understand the world you find yourself in. And then it asks you to use those mechanics to break the game. And then when you think you've beaten it, it gives you a whole other version to play through. And then another. And then a rhythm action segment.

I am 41 hours in, have not seen everything by a large margin, and have notebooks that look like mad diaries strewn across my desk. My wife and I are constantly talking about what the story could mean, and what our next steps should be. I have taken more screenshots for this game than I have in the previous 16 years by a factor of 10.

If you like puzzles, this game delivers - not just in the sokoban block moving, but in trying to work out what the game is. I spent 30 minutes working out how to translate a fake language.

Review Showcase
25 Hours played
It's an odd sell - a free competitive solitaire game, with ridiculously good production values, to play with friends (and now randos with public matchmaking). Not played it against randoms, but with friends it is ridiculously fun, and it's being updated still to add features and balancing. The amount of fun I've had playing it for 3 hours, I'd have paid £5 easily - for free, if you have a few friends, it's a no brainer.

To borrow a board-game phrase, it's a fantastic filler-game in between sessions of other things - and often, it'll take over the rest of your evening. A+

EDIT: A one time purchase to support the game has been added since this review (£7-ish to get an extra card back/colour) - I instantly bought it, 100% worth it