Mr Bendiix
My Twitch []:eng:
Private Profiles = Blocked
VAC or Game Ban = Blocked

Numbers of Tricksters Dodged since 2024: 9

Big time survivor main. If you see me on killer, you should take a screenshot. Because that is more rare than a unicorn!

Comments that are not in English, is from a private profile or a profile with disabled comments will be removed. Don't leave flaming comments if you can't handle receiving one yourself.
Hi There
Welcome to my profile!
Btw you just lost "The Game"

If you somehow don't know what the game is. First of all, How dare you? You uncultured swine.
But here is the rules of "The Game" that u just lost!

:eng: Here is a poem for you as a reward for visiting my profile! :c:

In the realm where fear takes hold,
A survivor's tale is often told.
Amongst the horrors, Dwight does dwell,
In this place where nightmares swell.

But 'neath the moon's uncertain glow,
A secret passion starts to grow.
Not for a weapon, nor for light,
But for a sanctuary in the night.

Dwight, the timid, the meek, the shy,
Finds solace where his dreams can fly.
Within the shadows, he finds his bliss,
In the humble shelter of a metal kiss.

For in the corner of this twisted land,
Stands a refuge, sturdy and grand.
A locker, plain and unassuming,
Yet to Dwight, it's ever blooming.

He loves its safety, its sturdy door,
In its embrace, he wants no more.
When terror strikes, and monsters roam,
Into its arms, he finds his home.

With trembling hands and beating heart,
He seeks his haven, never apart.
In the darkness, he feels the click,
As the locker closes, granting him its flick.

In this strange romance, he finds his peace,
With every creak, his worries cease.
For in this world where death does hover,
Dwight and his locker, forever lovers.
Dead by Daylight
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laatst gespeeld op 18 apr
Mr Bendiix 28 mrt om 18:17 
@Querdenkerin :) Relax forehead. Its just a game.
Querdenkerin :) 28 mrt om 18:14 
Querdenkerin :) 28 mrt om 18:13 
♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ♥♥♥♥ antimate .... blocked all this ANtimate
ᴺᵒᵗDema 26 mrt om 2:39 
You got destroyed
Mr Bendiix 25 mrt om 16:13 
@ᴺᵒᵗDema Still sucks? U never even saw me play lol.
ᴺᵒᵗDema 25 mrt om 16:02 
-rep cringe noob survivor, 2k+ hours and still sucks