THQ Nordic Official THQ Nordic
THQ Nordic Official THQ Nordic
January 8, 2015
hinti21 Apr 27, 2017 @ 2:47am
THQ Nordic, please buy the rights for Sacred!
You do so well in remastering games, could you please buy the rights for Sacred and Sacred 2? :D
There are so few good games out there nowadays and there are old gems hidden everywhere and most of the players dont even know them. You can bring them to the crowd!
Last edited by hinti21; Apr 27, 2017 @ 2:49am
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
NOT FUFUFAFA Aug 9, 2017 @ 12:06am 
Ugh no answer from them? Up you go thread.
THQ Nordic Sep 14, 2017 @ 8:58am 
What should I say? ^^ I would definitely buy some other franchises as well if it would be that easy ;) but we are doing our best to get new franchises and to take care of them.
hinti21 Sep 14, 2017 @ 9:00am 
Originally posted by THQ Nordic:
What should I say? ^^ I would definitely buy some other franchises as well if it would be that easy ;) but we are doing our best to get new franchises and to take care of them.
Biomutant looks very promising thus far! If you keep pouring out RPGs like this, I can live with you not buying the rights for sacred ;)
Putti I Nov 17, 2017 @ 11:04am 
How about Dawn of war games? you still got the rights for em ? Save it and make the true DOW 3 :steamhappy:
Roderick Feb 15, 2018 @ 8:22pm 
Well... the rights belong to THQ Nordic now. :D
I am pressing my thumbs for a remastered Sacred 2... or even a real Sacred 3. xD

(Or am I wrong? After buying Koch Media...?)
Last edited by Roderick; Feb 15, 2018 @ 8:23pm
hinti21 Feb 16, 2018 @ 3:32am 
I hope so!!
Cursed Localizer Feb 17, 2018 @ 1:32pm 
3 days ago it was one of best days because I heard that Koch Media was sold. What they did to Sacred is awful horrible and f**ked. Now there's small hope that fans of Sacred can get true sequel to Sacred 2. Imagine a remaster of Sacred Underworld... or even a new expansion.
Roderick Feb 17, 2018 @ 10:28pm 
Maybe we should all write and ask? Maybe they just don't have Sacred on their agenda and need a little hint? ^^
Cursed Localizer Feb 18, 2018 @ 3:51am 
Yeah, but I think that bigger Sacred portals should have do it. For example: Dark Matters Forum or Sacred pl. You know, it's to let them know that Sacred still has more than few fans.
hinti21 Oct 17, 2018 @ 7:51am 
Sacred 2 remake with controller support!
Cursed Localizer Oct 17, 2018 @ 1:48pm 
Sacred 2 would be almost impossible to remake. It is extremely huge and it was one of the reasons for Ascaron going bankrupt.
hinti21 Oct 18, 2018 @ 7:58am 
Originally posted by qbus371:
Sacred 2 would be almost impossible to remake. It is extremely huge and it was one of the reasons for Ascaron going bankrupt.
If you have the source code, it would only be a matter of porting, I suppose.
Dont know if they have the source code, though.
Cursed Localizer Oct 18, 2018 @ 12:17pm 
Still that's not remake, it's a port.
Yeah, maybe they don't have Source Code because I think Deep S**** would already fix bugs in Sacred 2, but they aren't making any updates for it for long time - same for Sacred 1. Bugs aren't gamebreaking but it would be more pleasant to play it without them.
Roderick Oct 18, 2018 @ 12:29pm 
Originally posted by qbus371:
Still that's not remake, it's a port.
Yeah, maybe they don't have Source Code because I think Deep S**** would already fix bugs in Sacred 2, but they aren't making any updates for it for long time - same for Sacred 1. Bugs aren't gamebreaking but it would be more pleasant to play it without them.
Deepsilver was the publisher, Ascaraon was the developer - and they are long gone. If you want to play bugfree, take the Community Patch from (account needed to see download)
Or if you don't want to create an account there, this german site has it without need to login:
Cursed Localizer Oct 18, 2018 @ 12:42pm 
I know all about it you can trust me. Deep S bought the Ascaron (so in theory they should have access to source code) and they made the biggest s**t of all time - Sacred 3 (also mobile Sacred Legends - Citadel was fine).

I appreciate Community Patch it's a wonderful job, but last time I checked it changed Temple Guardian Skills that I loved to use so I didn't want to install it.
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