RevoCraft Network RevoCraftN
RevoCraft Network RevoCraftN
January 17, 2016
 This topic has been pinned, so it's probably important
batteryguy May 26, 2018 @ 10:22am
!!!Commands List!!!

/votea - Opens the first voting website.
/voteb - Opens the second voting website.
/reward - Claims your reward from voting.

/discord - To open a link to our discord.
/website - To open a link to our website.
/forum - To open a link to our forum.
/apply - To open a link to our application forum.
/servers - To open a link to our server list.
/rules - To open a link to our server rules.
/commands - To open a link to this page.

/whendrop - To see when the next airdrop is.
/wheredrop - To see where the last airdrop landed.

/ui - To toggle on/off the UI.

/kfon - To toggle on/off the killfeed in the top right corner.

/tpa - To see a list off all the tpa commands.
/tpa "player" - To send a tp request.
/tpa a - To accept a tp request.
/tpa d - To deny a tp request.
/tpa abort - To cancel a tp request you send.

/vault or /s - To open your vault.
/trash - To open a trashbin (!!!Everything put in here will be deleted!!!!)

/home - (Costs 20 Batteries) Tp's to your bed.
/costhome - To see howmuch /home costs.

/report "Playername" "reason" - To report someone (For cheatin, abusing, rulebreaking)
/breport "bug explanation" - To report a bug/glitch.

/cv d/n/r - To start a votin to change day/night/rain.
/cv - To vote yes on an ongoing vote.

/bal - to check your balance (also shown above your healthbar)
/pay "playername" "ammount" "reason(optional)" - To pay someone # batteries.
/xpay "playername" "ammount" - To give someone # Xp.
/trout - A list of your last outgoing payments.
/trin - A list of your last incomming payments.
/exc "ammount" - To exchange # xp to 75% Batteries.
/mexc "ammount" - To exchange # Batteries to 75% Xp.

/cost "itemID" - To check the price of a item.
/costv "vehicleid" - To check the price of a vehicle.
/buy "ItemID" "Ammount" - To buy a # of items.
/buyv "vehicleID" - To buy a vehicle.
/sell "ItemID" "Ammount" - To sell a # of items.
/sbox - To open a storage that sels everything inside by closing your inventory.

/mark me/bed - To mark your or your bed's position on the map.

/kits - To show a list of available kits.
/kit "Kit name" - To claim a kit.
  • starter
  • 30min
  • hourly
  • daily
  • weekly
  • food
  • thief
  • soldier
  • medic
  • guard
  • engineer


All off the above +

/home - (Costs 15 Batteries) Tp's to your bed.

/kit "Kit name" - To claim a kit.
  • charged


All off the above +

/home - (Costs 10 Batteries) Tp's to your bed.

/kit "Kit name" - To claim a kit.
  • supercharged


All off the above +

/home - (Costs 5 Batteries) Tp's to your bed.

/kit "Kit name" - To claim a kit.
  • hypercharged


All off the above +

/home - (Costs 1 Batteries) Tp's to your bed.

/kit "Kit name" - To claim a kit.
  • novacharged
  • ruski
  • celtic


All off the above +

/qammo - To buy a magazine for the gun in your hand.

/kit "Kit name" - To claim a kit.
  • novacharged
  • sharpshooter
  • arctic
  • napalm
Last edited by batteryguy; Jul 7, 2019 @ 1:35pm