STEAM 그룹 Manncotrd
STEAM 그룹 Manncotrd
게임 중
2017년 9월 8일
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Earn by Advertising
Limited Advertiser’s Program

Sign up for the ‘Limited Advertiser’s Program’ and earn items before it’s too late!

💰Earn per Youtube Video
You are a TF2 Youtuber and upload a video with advertising Mannco.Trade in it, or in the front of some video.
You will earn 15 refined per 1000 Video Views. (Limit is 10.000 views per video or 2 weeks after upload)

💰Earn by Tweeting on Twitter
You have a TF2 Twitter account and Tweet about
You will earn 15 refined per 1000 followers. (Limit is 1 payment per Twitter Account)

💰Earn by sharing our Promo Video on your YT Channel
You are a Youtuber with atleast 1000 subscribers and upload/share our Promo Video on your YT Channel.
You will earn 10 refined. (Limit is 1x per Youtube Channel)

💰Earn by Announcing on your Steam Group
You have a Steam Group with TF2 Members and do 1x Announcement and 1x an Event.
You will earn 1 refined per 5000 members. (Limit is 1x per Steam Group)

There's an additional 2% bonus by trading on the site if you add: '''' to your Steam Profile Name.

Want to be paid in items, or other things? Let us know by signing up.

✅Click to Sign up here

✅SexySparta | 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2017년 10월 1일 오후 11시 31분
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1개 댓글 중 1-1개 표시
✅SexySparta | 2017년 10월 1일 오전 12시 18분 
To Sign up for the program click up here, on the topic.
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1개 댓글 중 1-1개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

모든 토론 > 일반 토론 > 제목 정보
게시된 날짜: 2017년 10월 1일 오전 12시 03분
게시글: 1