Final Fantasy - Modding FF-Modding
Final Fantasy - Modding FF-Modding
July 26, 2015
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All Discussions > Final Fantasy VI > Topic Details
jshackles Dec 16, 2015 @ 11:47am
Final Fantasy VI Modding
So, Final Fantasy VI released on Steam today! I decided it might be worth looking into doing character sprite replacement in this release since it's already been done for the PC version of V. In this game, characters typically use the same sprite sheet throughout the entire game, so I figured it might not be as daunting a task as V which would require every character/job combination to be replaced.

Anyway, much to my dismay it appears that unlike V, VI was released using the Android version as it's base. As such, the majority of the data is stored and encrypted using an Opaque Binary Blob[] file (main.obb).

I've attempted decompiling this file using the Android SDK jobb utility, but it's throwing errors because the secret key (password used for encryption) is not correct.

I'm wondering if anyone else has had any luck with this or perhaps someone with more Android experience could shed some light on whether or not it's even possible to decompile/recompile this container.

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Showing 1-15 of 289 comments
Krisan Thyme Dec 16, 2015 @ 12:44pm 
I'd happily look into it, but I don't have the spare cash on hand at the moment to buy it.. A little tight wallet'd right now, particularly what with the holiday season and all.

Whenever I get the game, I'll take a look into this though.

Welp, a copy was kindly donated to me by the OP. I guess I'll be looking into it sooner than expected, heh.
Last edited by Krisan Thyme; Dec 21, 2015 @ 4:35pm
AlanOC91 Dec 16, 2015 @ 3:32pm 
I would very happily donate a very nice amount if someone could overhaul the sprites and UI in this game. It's my absolute favorite Final Fantasy game and it's a shame to finally see it arrive on my favorite platform in such poor condition.

I would very happily donate a nice amount if something, anything could be done with it.
Jacktuar Dec 16, 2015 @ 3:40pm 
Does anyone know if it's possible to make the game wide-screen? Widening out the field of view rather than stretching it. I'm not asking if anyone would do that, as I know it's time and work, but it'd be interesting to know hypothetically if this were possible.
While the sprites aren't great... is there anyway we could get a mod to turn off the bilinear filter on the sprites...I'd much rather settle for that in the mean time. I'm halfway through V and the blurriness isn't really bothering me, but I just launched VI and I'm blown away by their decision to use a bilinear filter on JUST the sprites... wow.
vigilnova666 Dec 16, 2015 @ 4:10pm 
Seems they releasing ports for most of the games and they all based on android ports. But why? I would think at least the PSP ports for a few(FF4 complete collection for example) would be better. Or at least the DS versions. The android versions cut features and had to be adapted for touch screens so they looked like crap camparitively.
Fugsnarf Dec 16, 2015 @ 8:03pm 
Graphics are going to be a big point in the modding community for this game, I'm sure, but I'm wondering if there's anything that can be done for the movement controls. The 4-directional controls are infuriating how when you press a key to move, the character only changes direction. If I'm trying to move fluidly and I press left then down, I'll only move down because the left will count just for a directional shift. It drives me crazy, but I'm not sure if anything can be done about that besides pestering Squenix about it to likely no avail.
Reiska Dec 17, 2015 @ 2:01pm 
Fun note: That change makes a hidden Potion on the Phantom Train, which is impossible to get in any other version of the game, possible to pick up now.

Not that a Potion is worth caring about, but it's amusing.
76561198268788571 Dec 17, 2015 @ 3:19pm 
I hope you guys have success because being able to change the npc sprites and battles sprites to the PSP style would be amazing. That and UI Mod are at the top of my modding wishlist for this and V.
Jacktuar Dec 17, 2015 @ 5:56pm 
Is it possible to edit the sprites yet? I just thought that if I slimmed the sprites and monsters by 20%, and then used reshader to stretch the screen, then I'd have a nice little wide-screen mod where the character aspect ratio was retained.

If there was a way to slim the UI in the same way then I think I'd just cry happy tears.
PetrusC Dec 18, 2015 @ 5:52am 
There are some SweetFX presents available now:

One for sharpening the image, thus slightly reducing the sprite blur ! :) :steamhappy:
Second for removing black bars, but stretching the image in an ugly way :(

Screenshots available. I hope for GeDoSaTo supporting this game to use rescaling and maybe improve more.
Davoodinator Dec 21, 2015 @ 10:13pm 
FFVI looks liek an android app thats been wrapped in a high level emulator . the .obb is likely untouched version of the android version of the game.

just need to figure out how the .obb was encrypted then its open..

the .exe isn't encrypted, everything is bare in there if you want to do veneer mods by changing text and other useless stuff.
Last edited by Davoodinator; Dec 21, 2015 @ 10:14pm
Krisan Thyme Dec 21, 2015 @ 10:49pm 
Something is being worked on now, so just wait a little while longer.
Originally posted by Krisan Thyme:
Something is being worked on now, so just wait a little while longer.

That's good to hear. I've had to throw in the towel in regards to removing the bilinear filter on V and VI... maybe something will come from breaking into the .obb?
terderrer Dec 22, 2015 @ 6:55am 
i know this is a stretch since

a. people are more worried about the graphics
b. graphics are more easy to minipulate then battle ui code
c. have not seen people talk about it bugging them yet

but is there any possible way to mod the in battle user interface? it bugs me that they changed how it works
Krisan Thyme Dec 22, 2015 @ 6:59am 
Originally posted by Dangus ))<>(( Taargus:
Originally posted by Krisan Thyme:
Something is being worked on now, so just wait a little while longer.

That's good to hear. I've had to throw in the towel in regards to removing the bilinear filter on V and VI... maybe something will come from breaking into the .obb?
Already thrown in the towel? Shame to hear. I don't have the time to pursue it myself, but yeah it's not as simple a fix as some seem to think.

Originally posted by terderrer:
i know this is a stretch since

a. people are more worried about the graphics
b. graphics are more easy to minipulate then battle ui code
c. have not seen people talk about it bugging them yet

but is there any possible way to mod the in battle user interface? it bugs me that they changed how it works
Possible? Sure. Will it be done? Who knows. I have no plans for V and VI currently, I'm too busy as it is, but if I don't do it someone else might. File access will happen soon for VI, so we'll see what happens after that.
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All Discussions > Final Fantasy VI > Topic Details