Defenders of Stalingrad |DOS|
Defenders of Stalingrad |DOS|
March 12, 2009
United States 
Defenders of Stalingrad Rank Structure Ratified 3/10/18
Defenders of Stalingrad Rank Structure 3/10/18

The Rank Structure was last ratified on 3/10/18 by the following |DOS| Members: Keel, Uncwin, Slygathor, Crabb. These members were witness to the changes made.

Section I: Achieving the Ranks
Each rank denotes a special part in the clan, each playing a vital role in the upkeep and structuring of the clan in its entirety. A detailed explanation of each of the ranks is as follows:

Private is the first rank for all new clan members. During this 4 week time period they should become acquainted with clan procedures, meet members, and play supported games. They will be given full use of the clan forums, the ability to participate in clan matches if they wish. At any time of this rank you may be reviewed by an officer for promotion.

Private First Class
Once an additional twelve weeks have passed a private will automatically be ranked up to Private First Class. During this time period the clan member should have played an active role in the clan and fought in several clan matches. Members that are Private First Class are recommended to look for other players to join the clan. The PFC should introduce any prospective members to a Sergeant.

Candidates are selected by the Sergeants and Master Sergeants for review with the Lieutenants. If all agree, then the PFC will become a Corporal. During this time period the clan member should have played an active role in the clan. Corporals should also take time to investigate improvements that need to be made to our websites and services. Members that are Corporal are recommended to look for other players to join the clan. Corporals may also be given the task to schedule and lead clan practices when deemed necessary by a ranking member. Just like the PFC, the Corporal should introduce any prospective members to a Sergeant.

The rank of Sergeant is achieved much like the rank Corporal. Candidates are selected by the Sergeant Major and Lieutenants for review with the top two officers. If all agree, then the Corporal will become a Sergeant. The rank of Sergeant is given to those who show great promise in the clan; they show they are active in the server, and in the forums. They show themselves as an example of the clan rules and all they represent. Sergeants should give back to the clan according to their skill sets, such as server hosting, image manipulation, or the production of clan videos but not limited to these skills. They will also help lead Corporals through clan practice using squads. The Sergeant will be given various forms of administrative access in order to help the leadership maintain the clan. A ratio of one Sergeant for every four members Corporal and below.This is also the first rank to be able to take a specialization in the clan.

Master Sergeant
A Master Sergeant will be selected by the Officers from a pool of available Sergeants and Senior Sergeants. Master Sergeant is given to those members who have shown the capability to handle more tasks than a typical Sergeant; they continue to show that they are active in supported games, and in the forums. They have met all of the requirements of the Sergeant. The Master Sergeant will be responsible for being a representative for lower ranking members, ensures communication between officers and enlisted, helps to acclimate all new members into the clan, and handle social networking duties.

Sergeant Major
Candidates for the rank of Sergeant Major are selected by all of the Officers. The rank is given to those who continue to show that they are active in the server, and in the forums. They have met all of the requirements of Master Sergeant. They have helped in the recruitment process by making the decision to accept new members into the clan as privates. The Sergeant Major will be given administrative access to the game servers and any additional access as deemed necessary by the clan leadership. In addition to the Sergeant Major will be partly responsible for the planning of clan matches. If the Command Sergeant Major is absent, the responsibilities of that rank will be taken up and shared by the Sergeant Majors. There should only be a maximum of 3 active Sergeant Majors, this may change as the clan size increases.

Command Sergeant Major
The rank of Command Sergeant Major is decided by the membership by a 3/4 vote, to remove the Command Sergeant Major a 3 / 4 vote by all clan members Pfc. and higher is required. They must have met all of the requirements of the Master Sergeant. In addition, they must have served a minimum of 6 months in the clan. A nomination may be held upon the rank being declared open by the Major, and then all members who have served 6 months, up to the rank of Sergeant Major will be listed for nomination. Voting will continue until the least voted are eliminated, leaving the main candidates to vie for the position. CSM is the highest rank before reaching officer level. Holding this position requires a member to work with the officers in order to help make clan decisions. The CSM is considered the disciplinarian. Problems with other members that were not able to be solved are to be reported to the CSM. The CSM will attempt to correct the problem through discussion and report this to the officers. If this fails, disciplinary action will be performed as stated in the clan rules. The CSM will be given administrative access to the game servers and any additional access as deemed necessary by the clan leadership.

Lieutenants are chosen by the Major and the members at the rank of Captain, with the Major holding 50% of the vote. They are the go-to people for lower ranking members of the clan. If there is a problem with the Server, forums, or anything of that nature inform them. They report directly to the Captain and will be responsible for helping to make clan decisions that are not voted on by the clan as a whole. Lieutenants are to be informed of infringements to clan rules. It is then their duty to discuss this with the Command Sergeant Major, Captain, and Major. Lieutenants will be given administrative access to the Teamspeak server and forums.

Senior Lieutenant
Candidates for Senior Lieutenant are decided by the Lieutenants meaning that there should always be a Senior Lieutenant for every three Lieutenants. Senior Lieutenants are chosen by time in clan on rotational basis. They are the go-to people for lower ranking members of the clan. If there is a problem with the Server, forums, or anything of that nature inform them. They report directly to the Captain and will be responsible for helping to make clan decisions that are not voted on by the clan as a whole. Lieutenants are to be informed of infringements to clan rules. It is then their duty to discuss this with the Command Sergeant Major, Captain, and Major. Lieutenants will be given administrative access to the game servers and any additional access as deemed necessary by the clan leadership. Senior Lieutenants often have several years of experience in the clan.

Members who hold the rank of Captain are chosen directly by the top 6 members of the clan. Should there ever be more than one Captain, their responsibilities will alternate at their leisure. Captains are responsible for maintaining clan needs when the Major is unavailable. The Captain is responsible for maintaining the rank structure, ensuring that proper rank ratios are maintained, and is available to handle any large issues with recruitment.

The rank of Major is entrusted to the clan founder and primary clan leader. The Major provides direction to the membership, schedules clan events, moderates forums, does upkeep to the website, and works to maintain proper balance in the rank structure by choosing when it is time for lower ranking members to accept, decline, and Promote/Demote other clan members. It is the primary responsibility of the Major to ensure clan survival.

Section II: Status
In the clan a member can be one of two status levels, which are listed below:
Active members are online regularly; attend matches, and clan meetings. They post on the forum and are generally seen performing whatever duties they may have.
-Retired Status
Circumstances may cause a member to retire, they may as long as their rank is classified as Cpl. or higher. In this case, the member will be held in Retired status indefinitely or until they return. Those that return will come back as a reserve, and the policies of the reserve status will be followed.

Section III: Specializations
Clan members, after reaching the rank of Sergeant, will pick a specialization provide additional service to |DOS| while meeting their standard rank requirements. The current specializations are listed below:
-Propaganda Commissar (Development of Clan Advertisement and Recruitment Information)
-Clan Ambassadors (Gathering information on Leagues and Clans)
-Technical Recruiters (Responsible for maintaining servers and recruitment for supported games.)
-Tactical Intelligence Commissar (Develops tactics for clan matches and scrims)