FNaF x Reader Group FNAFxR
FNaF x Reader Group FNAFxR
April 7, 2015
Yandere!Toy Chica x Male!Reader
“Jeremy! You’re killing me!” laughed (y/n) as he held his stomach. The blonde shook his head as he continued his story.

“That’s not even the best part… So then Mike forgot to let the soda rest after he shook it. He opened it just as Troy(Toy Freddy) walked in and it sprayed all over him!” chuckled Jeremy as (y/n) fell out of his chair.

Unknowing to them, the two friends were being watched from afar by a fuming female.

“Oh! Jeremy this! Jeremy that! Is there anything else you ever talk about!?” snapped the blonde as she leaned against the wall and watched the two friends interact. Her temper was starting to get out of hand, much to the point where she snapped at the mention of Jeremy’s name.

“Bastard doesn’t deserve your attention…” mumbled Zoe(Toy Chica) as she narrowed her eyes at the blonde sitting next to (y/n).

(Y/n) was a part time night watch along with Jeremy. He, however, mostly passed his time talking to the Toys, mostly Toy Chica. (Y/n) had given Toy Chica the nickname Zoe to not confuse her for the Chica in the Parts & Services. She didn’t mind, in fact she loved the name. (Y/n) said it fit her personality very well and soon everyone was calling her Zoe (except children and others that didn’t know about her human form).

During the time (y/n) spent with the human animatronics, Zoe began to feel very weird around him. At first she thought she was sick because of the butterflies in her stomach, however, whenever (y/n) would smile at her and hug her, her heart would race. She asked BonBon(Toy Bonnie) about it and he claimed she was in love. Zoe didn’t believe him at first, until she saw (y/n) and Chica talking together. She had never been so mad in her life. She had snapped at Chica to stay away from (y/n) and dragged her friend away.

(Y/n) confronted her on the situation, however, Zoe refused to answer any of his questions. (Y/n) didn’t push her and left the problem in the past.

Zoe didn’t. She made sure that Chica didn’t even come out of the Parts & Services room. Soon Zoe had developed a very aggressive temper to anyone who even looked at (y/n) the wrong way.

“Zoe… Staring at Jeremy won’t kill him,” said BonBon as he passed by the blonde. Zoe growled as she tore her gaze away from Jeremy and onto the blue haired male.

“What do you know!”

“Look… I’ve noticed that you’ve started getting… What’s the word I’m looking for… Jealous.”

“Jealous!” growled Zoe as she clenched her fists. “Who do you think you’re calling jealous?!”

“I mean… No one can even look at (y/n) anymore without getting a death threat from you afterwards. I think you should-”

BonBon didn’t finish his sentence when a cupcake was thrown at him. It knocked him back slightly, however, he was soon pushed to the ground by Zoe. The blonde huffed out in annoyance as she looked back at (y/n).

He had just finished talking to Jeremy and now were on their way out the office. Zoe smiled slightly as she fixed up her hair and clothes.


Said being looked around and spotted the female.

“Zoe! It’s been a while. Sorry I haven’t visited as much… I’ve been at school,” apologized (y/n) as he smiled at Zoe. The blonde felt her heart melt at the sight of (y/n)’s smile.

“It’s nothing. As long as you come to visit me, I’m glad,” giggled Zoe as she shifted on her feet. (Y/n) nodded as he hugged her.

“Well I’ll be going. Hopefully we can see each other again,” said (y/n) as he let go of Zoe, who was upset about the short hug.

“O-oh… That’s fine,” claimed Zoe as (y/n) walked away. Zoe watched as he turned left and entered the Parts & Services room. She immediately became furious. She stalked her way towards the door and listened closely.


“(Y/n)! I missed you!” cried the young blonde. Zoe peeked inside and her heart dropped when she witnessed Chica run into (y/n)’s arms and hug him.

“I did too Chica. So how’s my favorite girl doing?”

Those words snapped something inside Zoe. The rest of their conversation became deaf to her ears as she turned away from the door and ran back to the Show Stage.

She ran right past Troy, who was calling her. Zoe opened the door near the Show Stage and then slammed it shut once she was inside. She pressed her back on the door and let herself slip to the ground. Once she was down, Zoe began to cry her heart out.

Troy could be heard banging on the door, however, nothing matter to the blonde except for (y/n).

“How dare she take (y/n) away from me…” sobbed Zoe. She abruptly stopped her sobs as anger took over her.

“I won’t let her get away with this… She’ll pay… They all will…”




(Y/n) groaned as he stirred in his sleep. He looked up at the alarm clock and sighed.

11:34 am.

“Who would call me this early?” whined (y/n) as he reached for his phone. He sat up in his bed as he answered the call.


“(Y/n)? This is Mike. Um… Jeremy isn’t home and I was wondering if you’ve seen him.”

“Mike? N-no… I haven’t seen Jeremy since yesterday. I thought you picked him up,” replied (y/n), who was now wide awake with concern for the blonde.

“I didn’t. I was waiting for him, but he never came out. Then I got a call from some girl claiming that he had gone to your place,” revealed Mike. (Y/n)’s eyes widened.

“I’ll call you back,” said (y/n) as he hung up. (Y/n) quickly jumped out of bed and dressed up. Once he was done, (y/n) grabbed his keys and ran out the door, hopped on his bike, and headed straight for the pizzeria.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~(Timeskip brought to you by Pizza!)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

(Y/n) walked up to the entrance of the pizzeria and immediately felt something amiss in the atmosphere. He opened the door and was shocked to see it was abandoned. (Y/n) hesitantly stepped inside as he surveyed the damage.

Blood was everywhere and tables were flipped and thrown around party rooms. (Y/n) gulped as he made his way to the Show Stage. BonBon was nowhere to be seen, however, Troy was sitting on the stage with a shocked expression. (Y/n) ran up to the rosy cheeked male and shook his shoulders.

“TROY!! What happened here!!??” Troy refused to answer. (Y/n) then slapped him, which snapped him out of his trance.

“AAHHH!! (Y-y/n)?” Troy was slightly shaking as (y/n) nodded and hugged him.

“It’s ok… What happened?” repeated (y/n). Troy stiffened. He pushed (y/n) away and jumped off the stage.

“I knew I should have gotten rid of you when the first sign showed up!” snapped Troy as he ran out of the pizzeria. (Y/n) was dumbfound, but soon froze when he heard footsteps behind them.


“Zoe!? GAH! What happened to you?” yelled (y/n) as he stepped back. Zoe was covered in blood from head to toe. Her blonde hair was a rat’s nest and her hair pin was nowhere to be seen. Her blue eyes were replaced with black sockets and white pupils. Her apron and clothes were torn and messy.

“What I had to do, (y/n)... They were getting in the way…” cooed Zoe as she pulled out a knife.

“I-It’s that Chica’s?” questioned (y/n). Zoe’s expression dropped at the mention of her counter partner.

“WHY DO YOU CARE ABOUT HER!! SHE DESERVED WHAT SHE GOT!!” snapped Zoe as she narrowed her eyes and gritted her teeth.

“What did you do to my friends?”

Zoe started to laugh like a mad woman as she stalked closer to (y/n).

“They’re gone forever… It’s only you and me now… And I won’t let anyone have you this time…” Zoe threw the knife straight at (y/n)’s head as he ducked.

“What’s wrong with you!?! What happened to the sweet, innocent Zoe that was my best friend!”

“Oh (y/n)... She never existed…” mused Zoe as the laughed. (Y/n) turned around and dragged the knife that was stuck in the wall. Zoe noticed his attempt to free the knife and lunged at him. (Y/n) was slammed down on the floor as Zoe grabbed the hilt of the knife trapped in the wall.

“That isn’t so nice… Looks like someone needs to learn their manners!” giggled Zoe as she tried to pull out the knife. (Y/n) panicked and did the one thing he could do.

(Y/n) kicked Zoe off of himself and with one pull, got the knife out of the wall. (Y/n) watched as Zoe groaned and struggled to get on her feet.

“I’m sorry Zoe, but I can’t let you get away for what you did…” Zoe had barely gotten on her knees when she felt something being driven into her chest. She choked up blood as she looked up and locked eyes (or rather sockets) with (y/n), who was crying. Zoe looked down at her chest to see Chica’s knife, the same she had used to kill Jeremy, BonBon, and its original owner.

Zoe looked up at (y/n) one last time as she weakly brought up her hand to his cheek.

“I-I did it for us… A-and this is how you repay me…” mourned Zoe as she kissed (y/n) with her cold lips. “I-I love you… And will forever…"

She dropped cold into (y/n) arms. (Y/n) gritted his teeth as he pulled out the knife from her chest. (Y/n) turned her body over so that she was in a cradled position in his arms.

"You idiot... I loved you too... You were just too blind to see," whispered (y/n) as he held Zoe's limp body. "I only talked to Chica for advice... I was meaning to confess tonight... When Jeremy was off and at home with Mike... But I guess this is for the best..."

(Y/n) lifted up Zoe's body and then proceeded to take her to the Parts & Services room. (Y/n) was expected; the door opened for them and an all too familiar brunette slightly shot (y/n) a smile as he took the blonde's body.

"I'm sorry for your loss... But don't worry, we'll take care of everything," assured Freddy as he bid (y/n) farewell. (Y/n) nodded as he brushed some hair from Zoe's forehead and kissed her one last time.

"If Death were to hear my plead... I just want it to know I would do anything for you to come back to me..." whispered (y/n) as his hand fell from her cheek. (Y/n) looked up at Freddy and nodded. The brunette's gaze softened as the door shut between them.

(Y/n) turned around and exited the pizzeria before he had second thoughts. As he unlocked his bike from the rack, (y/n) could have sworn he was hearing singing coming from somewhere. (Y/n) looked around, but saw no one. He shrugged it off and hopped on his bike, pedaling his way home. Yet the singing continued...

On the ground I lay
Motionless in pain
I can see my life flashing before my eyes
Did I fall asleep?
Is this all a dream
Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare

I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

On this bed I lay
Losing everything
I can see my life passing me by
Was it all too much
Or just not enough
Wake me up, I'm living a nightmare

I will not die (I will not die)
I will survive

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I feel alive, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
I will not die, when you're beside me
I will not die, I'll wait here for you
In my time of dying

The song was stuck in (y/n)'s head for the rest of the day. He had called Mike and broken the news to him. Poor soul didn't take it easy. At the moment, (y/n) was home, sitting on his bed as they recalled the day's events. That singing voice continued to haunt (y/n)'s thoughts as he sighed out of frustration.

"It sounds a lot like Zoe..." mourned (y/n) as he flopped on his bed. Unable to think of anything else, (y/n) yawned and fell asleep.

Too bad he didn't take the song's meaning into consideration...


"(Y/n) (l/n) was found dead in his home in (home city) just a few hours ago. Evidence shows that he was brutally stabbed to death by a knife. Police officers found no evidence of another person being in his home at the time of the murder, making it impossible to name a suspect."

"All that was recovered from the crime scene was message written in blood on the wall."

Last edited by Ω Torbin Ω; Oct 19, 2015 @ 6:15pm