Glubbable's Servers Glubs
Glubbable's Servers Glubs
2. syyskuuta 2013
 Tämä aihe on kiinnitetty, joten se on todennäköisesti tärkeä
💟 Donation Information 💟
Hey there, you are here because you are curious about donating!

We’ve rebuilt our donation system and ended up bringing back key donations for all tiers!
Patreon donations are no longer available!

Current Donation Methods

1. Key Donation for Fruit donator status
Supporting us with key donations will help fund the servers and future events. You have to donate only once to gain the perks which you will keep forever!

To read more about donating, please scroll down!

Glubbable's servers, is eventually going to shut down permanently. You'll be informed at least a month in advance when the closure date is decided.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Brilgamath; 19.12.2022 klo 15.54
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We have 4 tiers to offer, one of them being only obtainable during events/holidays. This donation method allows you to receive all of the possible perks available on our servers.
When it comes to how we handle donations, each player has a pool, and if their pool reaches a specific amount, they get a tier as appreciation for donating to the server.
Our donation pool system allows you to, for example, donate 4 keys, and then eventually 1 key, to get Plum. Another example would be having Dragonfruit, donating 15 keys, while Deluxe isn't available, and since you donated enough keys to get it, you will get Deluxe once it becomes available again.

Currently Acceptable Items
Mann Co. Supply Crate Keys

Please note that donations are permanent, not monthly.
Please only make one trade offer at a time, also please wait between 24-48 hours for it to be accepted, your donator status will be applied once it is accepted, it'll also take a map change after it has been accepted for it to fully apply.

:WARNINGSIGN: No refunds, it's called donating for a reason! :WARNINGSIGN:

Tiers and Requirements
:purpleball: Plum Tier: 5 Keys (5) (Pure)
:wumpafruit: Peach Tier: 10 Keys (5 + 5) (Pure)
:geishadragon: Dragonfruit Tier: 15 Keys (5 + 5 + 5) (Pure)

Limited Time Obtainable: (Currently available)
:greymapmarker: Deluxe Tier: 30 Keys (5 + 5 + 5 + 15) (Pure)

How to donate
To donate, you must offer a trade via the trade link provided below. Before doing so, please make sure to read all the information on this page. If you wish to donate on behalf of another user, you can provide a link to their steam profile in the trade message.

You can upgrade your perk status at any time by sending in another trade offer.
You do not have to donate the full price of the next Tier to upgrade.
(If you like our work and feel it's worth it, that's up to you!)

Key Donations are now temporarily handled by Chillax! Rorek Click here to open the trade offer!


:purpleball: Plum Tier
Standard Perks

- End of Round Immunity
Tired of humiliation? Well then, you'll no longer have to worry about dying.

- Spray Access
Have the ability to spray on the server!

- More Player Models
Additional custom player models to make your appearance on the server more unique.
  • Easter Demo (Paintable)
  • Hazmat Sniper (Paintable)
- Paintable Player Models
Be able to change the color of certain player models.

- TF2 Pets (Only on SF2 & Chillout)
Have a cute pet follow you around on your adventures that jumps and makes noises!
  • Bread Monster
  • CSGO Chicken
  • Penguin
  • Hugcrab
  • "Serpent"
  • Cookbot
  • Juice Bot
  • The Classic Worm
  • Doggy Dog
  • Kate
  • Rake
  • The Sister
  • TF2 Ghost
  • Villar
  • Tank
  • Witch
  • Sawrunner
  • Sawcrazy
  • Slendyclaws
  • Slenderman
  • Saucer
  • Cactus
  • Bot Worker
  • Target Duck
  • Monoculus
  • Merasmus
  • Bombinomicon
  • Sentry Buster
  • MvM Tank
  • Candy Box
  • Demo Bunny
  • Ghost Gargoyle
  • Gargoyle
  • Antlion
  • Crow
  • Pigeon
  • Luigidoll
- Joinsounds
People will know when someone has joined with a wide selection of join sounds that play only when you connect.

- SF2 Escape Sounds
Have a custom sound play when you escape the map, so people know you're coming!

- Halloween Footsteps
Leave a trail of colored fire behind you whenever you walk.

- Alternate Spawn/Respawn Effect
Spawn with a particle effect that's different from the default one that everyone spawns with.

- Resize yourself
Resize your player model while waiting for your turn, also keeps your torso, head, and hands settings while on Red. At least, it should do anyway.

- Custom Ghost Model
Got bored of the dull and default ghost model? Now you can choose from various Skin, Model, and Color customizations.

- Colorable buildings
Make your buildings stand out among the crowd.

- Hats for Engineer buildings
Your buildings gain a form of fashion sense beyond our own and start wearing hats!

- Engineer Pads
Provide speed or jump boosts to yourself or teammates on SF2 & Chillout!

- Bumper Cars (Only on SF2/Chillout)
Ride around within the waiting room of SF2 with a bumper car! Beep beep!

- Warp Teleport
Teleport to pre-configured locations on the maps! As long as it's supported by the maps.

- TF2 Emotes
Express yourself with an emote, selected from a menu to be spawned on demand!

- Double Candy Rate Multiplier
Increase the base amount of Candy you earn by a factor of 2
For more info about candy, go here:

:wumpafruit: Peach Tier:
Includes Plum Tier Perks

- Custom Chat Tags for Chat
Change your chat tag from the standard fruit tag, completely optional.

- Chat Tag Dividers for Chat
Add a little bit extra to your chat tag by picking from a list of preset dividers!

- Access to Plum & Peach Chat Tag Override
This makes your name stand out among the crowd. And you get to pick between two colors!

- Female Player Models (Sniper, Pyro & Scout)
Additional player models for you to stand out from the crowd.
  • Fem Scout
  • Fem Pyro (Paintable)
  • Fem Sniper
- Animated Emotes
Gain access to animated emotes in TF2 Emotes.

- Gravestones
Die and a little stone recordatory of your greatness will be dropped.

- Special Player Trails
Some neat and pretty player trails to choose from to go with your Halloween footprints!

- Halloween Footstep Patterns
Setup your own cycle of Halloween Footprints to use whenever you walk

- Additional Footsteps Modes
Have access to a bigger variety of footsteps!

- Taunt Speed Modifier
Change the speed of how fast your taunts play!

- Additional Pets
Even more pets to choose from within the pet menu.
  • Flask Vial
  • G-man (HL1)
  • Loader
  • G-man (HL2)
  • Advisor
  • Luigi
- More Joinsounds
People will know when someone has joined with a wide selection of join sounds that play only when you connect.

- Additional SF2 Escape Sounds
Have a custom sound play when you escape the map, so people know you're coming!

- More Custom Ghost Models
Get access to additional models for ghost mode.

- Additional Warp Teleport Locations (Only on SF2 & Chillout (Trade Museum))
Teleport to pre-configured locations on the maps!

- Triple Candy Rate Multiplier
Increase the amount of Candy you earn by a factor of 3.

:geishadragon: Dragonfruit Tier:
Includes Plum & Peach Tier Perks

- Custom Join & Leave Messages
Change the join / leave message to something more... interesting…?

- Access to Plum, Peach & Dragonfruit Chat Tag Override
This makes your name stand out among the crowd. And you get to pick between two colors!

- Unusual Pet Effects
You can pick an unusual effect to be used with your pet!

- Selectable Spawn Effects
You can change the effect that appears when you spawn in!

- Selectable Emote Effects
You will be able to change the effect that appears when your emote spawns!

- More Joinsounds!
A much, bigger range of sounds to choose from when you join the server!

- More SF2 Escape Sounds!
Gain access to even more escape sounds to choose from!

- Additional Warp Locations
Gain access to more special locations in certain maps.

- More Emotes
Gain Access to, even more, emotes to pick from!

- Frozen and Golden ragdoll statues
Make your dreams of turning into a golden/ice statue into reality with this one simple trick!

- Quad Candy Rate Multiplier
Increase the amount of Candy you earn by a factor of 4.

- Access to private Discord server channels
Gain exclusive access to private channels to check upcoming content before it becomes public. :WARNINGSIGN: DO NOT LEAK ANYTHING FROM THE CHANNELS OR YOUR ACCESS WILL BE STRIPPED WITH NO WARNING. :WARNINGSIGN:

Includes Plum, Peach & Dragonfruit Tier Perks

- Colorable Chat Tags
Change up your chat tag by selecting a different color from the list of our preset colors

- Colorable Chat Divider
Change up your chat divider by selecting a different color from the list of our preset colors

- Bot Name
Adds your name to a list of possible names that a bot could pick from when active on the server

- TV Name (:climberwarning: DISCONTINUED)
Adds your name to a list of possible names that the spectator bot can pick from

- Invitation to Test Server
You will be invited to test upcoming maps and/or bosses on our test server!

- Even more Player Models
Gain access to a bigger amount of player models to stand out from the crowd.
  • Golden Scout

- Double Quad Candy Rate Multiplier
Increase the amount of Candy you earn by a factor of 8.

You can access donator commands in-game by saying !menu in chat.
Alternatively, you can check the direct commands here.

:purpleball: Plum Tier
- /buildingcolors (Change the color of your buildings)
- /buildinghats (Allows you to enable or disable hats on your buildings)
- /joinsound_change (Sound that plays when you join by connecting)
- /footsteps (Adds Halloween footprints to your feet)
- /sf2_escapesound (Opens a menu to select a custom escape sound)
- /footsteps_mode (Sets the mode of your footsteps behavior)
(0 = off, 1 = random) (Will need to set footsteps again if you input 0)
- /footsteps_disable (Sets the mode of your footsteps to off)
- /footsteps_random (Sets the mode of your footsteps to random)
- /em (Allows you to equip the donator models for Sniper & Demoman)
- /mc (Paints your player model)
- /car (Allows you to use a bumper car while on blue)
- /warp (Opens a menu to allow you to teleport to pre-configured locations (if present))
- /pets (Spawns a pet of your choice)
- /resizeme (Resize your player model)
- /resizemytorso (Resize your torso)
- /resizemyhands (Resize your hands and weapon)
- /resizemyhead (Resize your head)
- /resizeresetme (Resets your player model's size)
- /pad or /pads (Changes your teleports for speed/jump pads)
- /givefood (Gives you a selection of food to eat as Heavy)
- /pickemote (Opens a menu that allows you to select your emote)
- /emote (Spawns the emote that you selected with /pickemote)
- /respawn_effect (Opens a menu that allows you to select your respawn effect)
- /ghost_model (Allows you to customize your ghost model)
- /ghost_color (Allows you to change your ghost model color)

:wumpafruit: Peach Tier
- /footpattern (Access to Halloween and premade footsteps)
- /footsteps_rgb 255 255 255 (Allows you to set your own footprint color, Red Green Blue values)
- /footsteps_mode (Sets the mode of your footsteps behavior)
(0 = off, 1 = random, 2= custom) (Will need to set footsteps again if you input 0)
- /trails (Allows you to use special trails)
- /tauntspeedme (Change your taunt speed)
- /tag_override (Change between Tier chat tag colors)
- /chattag (Allows you to set your own chat tag to use in chat)

:geishadragon: Dragonfruit Tier
- /footsteps_rainbow (Sets the mode of your footsteps to use rainbow colors)
- /footsteps_mode (Sets the mode of your footsteps behavior)
(0 = off, 1 = random, 2= custom, 3= rainbow) (Will need to set footsteps again if you input 0)
- /trails (Allows you to use special trails)
- /joinmessage (Allows you to change the join message upon connecting)
- /leavemessage (Allows you to change the leave message upon disconnecting)
- /pickeffect (Allows you to pick the effect that appears when you emote)
- /frozenme 5 (Turns you into a frozen ragdoll for a set amount of time in seconds, 5 seconds in the example)
- /goldme 5 (Turns you into a frozen ragdoll for a set amount of time in seconds, 5 seconds in the example)

:greymapmarker: Deluxe Tier
- /tagcolor (Allows you to pick your chat tag color)
- /tagdividercolor (Allows you to change your tag divider color)

My trade is on hold?
This is because you have not been using, or do not have, the Steam Mobile app. As a result, your items will be on hold for 15 days. You will not get your donator perks until after the items have been delivered.

You declined my trade?
If I decline your trade, this could due to some of the following issues:

1. Steam Error stating that you are unable to trade.
2. Steam Error stating that the items are unavailable.
3. SteamRep Check returns that you are marked as a scammer.
4. Provided the wrong amount of keys for the desired tier.
5. You offered items that weren't accepted items.

Can I get a refund?
- No, it's already there. Refunds are not allowed, this is called a DONATION for a reason. Thank you.

Does the color command also paints my cosmetics?
- No, it does not paint your cosmetics, only your player model, if it supports it. Player models that support it have "(Paintable)" beside their title.

Can I get them as roles on the Discord server?
- Yes! Go to #help-support and read the pins, you will have all the info you need there.

Can I donate for someone else?
- Yes, but do leave a message with their Steam name or contact me first.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Rorek; 6.1.2023 klo 12.12
I heard a new group is going to replace Glubbable's servers is that true?
No. Glubbable's servers are closing down. There's currently no given date, but this thread will be edited at least a month in advance when it happens.

I heard about The Nexus Realities, will my donation be transferred on that group?
No. The Nexus Realities is a different entity from this group, they're no connected to us.
As such they do not share our donation system. If you donate to us, your donation is bound to this group, Glubbable's servers, for as long as it remains open.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on Brilgamath; 19.12.2022 klo 15.56
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